Call For Paper - 2011

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IST Journal on Business and Technology ISSN: 2070-4135 Call for Papers

The Institute of Science and Technology (IST) is on the verge of publishing its third issue Volume-2, Number-1, December-2011 issue of the Journal on Business and Technology. Each issue of the journal is devoted to recent research in the field of business and technology to provide the journal readers a collection of up-to-date development concept about their respective field of business and technology. All the interested authors, teachers, academicians, researchers and others belonging to the University level educational institutes and research organizations have been requested to submit articles/papers for publication in the mentioned journal for the December- 2011 issue. Paper Submission Last date of submission Notification of the paper Date of final submission : 31st July : 15th August : 30th August

Submission Guideline The following points may be treated as broad guideline fro submission of the article/papers: 1. Unpublished Business and Scientific research papers, case study analysis may be submitted for possible publication using electronically as e-mail attachments directly to or 2. Paper must be both in doc and pdf format 3. The Paper should contain Title (Capital letters), names, address and e-mail address of the authors. An abstract and key words should be provided just before introduction. 4. All headings and subheadings should be flush left and set in bold face including Abstract and Key Words. 5. Numbers in each section of the paper beginning with the introduction should be roman numbers (I, II, Iii, IV etc.) 6. Figures, tables, and chart are provided inside (within) the body of the paper( if not provided in Appendix) 7. Figure, text, word or tables are not colored or shaded and should be Provided unbroken Table or Figure (keep it in same page) 8. The position of the figure should be at the bottom and table at the top of the column. Table and figure should be given with separate number, such as, Table 1, Table 2, etc. and Figure 1. Figure 2, etc. 9. Equations should be numbered (1). (2) Etc. 10. British spelling should be adopted and with Checked grammar, syntax and alignment 11. End-notes are provided. (Do not provide footnote) 12. References provided in separate page as per sample page. List and numbers of references in 10 points using bracket line [1], [2] etc. within the appropriate place of the manuscript and details at the reference place. 13. References are to be presented in following types

Journal Paper: Authors name, Title of the article in double inverted comma, name of the journal, Volume number, Year of Publication and Page Number. Example: Cassel, G. The Rate of Interest, The Bank Raet and the Stabilization of Prices Quterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 42 (ISSN: 2536-1012), PP. 50-59 Proceedings: Authors name, Title of the articles in double inverted comma, name of proceeding, country, Page Number and Year. Books: Authors name, Title of the book in double inverted comma, name of the publisher and Year of Publication. Example: Brealey, R. A. and Myers, S. C. Princples of the Corporate Finance, 7th Edition, Published by Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Company limited, 2003

Thesis: Authors name, Title of the thesis in double inverted comma, M.S/Doctoral dissertation, Institute name, Country and year.

Submitting Address Md. Moulude Hossain Editorial Assistant, or

Submission fee: i) For Bangladeshi author(s) Tk. 2000/= (Taka One Thousand) per article. ii) For Foreign Author(s) USD 100 (US Hundred Dollar) per article. Submission fee can be payable though Pay-order or Demand Draft or Foreign Draft in favor of IST Journal on Business and Technology.

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