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By Nikhil Aggarwal

Problem 1

Let p be Sachin is rich and q be Sachin is happy. Write each of the following in symbolic form (Assume poor & not rich are the same)
Sachin is poor and happy
Sachin is neither poor nor happy Sachin is poor or else he is both rich and happy.

Problem 2

In each case decide whether the proposition is true or false.

(3 + 7 > 10) or (6 < 10) ~ ( 3 + 7 > 10)

~( ( 2 + 2 = 3) (2 + 3 = 15) )
If 1 + 2 = 4 then 16 = 35 If x is a positive integer & x2 3 then x = 1

Problem 3

Write down a truth table to show p q is equivalent to following:

(~q) (~p) (~p) ( q )

Use the above to write the expressions using , and ~ that are equivalent to

p ( p q )

Problem 4

Write down the truth table to show that the negation of p q is equivalent to p (~q) To show p q is false, we must show p is _______ and q is _______

Problem 5

Use the de Morgans Laws to simplify the following:

~(p~q) ~(~pq)


Problem 6

Use the truth table to show that ~ p ~ q, ~p r, ~q r, r is a valid argument.

Problem 7

For the following valid argument form s ~p, t s, ~s u q, p, t q r, r

Thanks !!!

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