Newra General Meeting 2011-09-05

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NEWRA GeneraI Meeting 5

September 2011

Members Present
Bryn Markham-Jones, Brian Bevan, Gary Collins, Andy Anderson, Carl Tombs, Neil
Jones, Ashley Jones, Martin Colloby, Neil Atkinson, Neil Postle, Liam Postle, Arthur
Smallman, Steve Jones, Martin Williams, Geraint Williams, an Evans, Josh Wiffen,
Nick Pratt, Andy Oliver, Phil Roszkowski, Chris Allen, Keith Spencer, Dave Fawkes,
Cliff Evans and Brian Roberts.
There was a totaI of 25 members present

ApoIogies for Absence
Ryan Gould, Steve Williams, Frank Maddocks, Eifion Howatson, Lewys Evans, Maria
Pasco, Tomos Roberts, John Jones, Arthur Pritchard, Mike Woodward, Liam Partyn,
Hilton Williams, John Swindley and Gerald Davies
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Martin Williams and
seconded by Neale Atkinson that they were a true and fair record.

Matters Arising


Reports from Leagues and Associations

Brian Bevan notified the room that assessments will now be submitted by email. f
the individual does not have an email they will receive them via post. f there are
difficulties opening them please contact Brian to notify him.
WeIsh NationaI League
Nothing to report
Cymru AIIiance
Nothing to report
Sunday League
Nothing to report
Referees' Association of WaIes
Nothing to report.

Charity Events Update
Nothing to report
Any Other Business
Martin Williams complimented the sub committee for the updating of the website.
Brian Roberts enquired about contact details being placed onto the website but was
told this was not possible until a software update is made due to password
protection. Dave Fawkes updated the room on sendings off being submitted to FAW,
if the report is faxed or emailed there is no need to phone the FAW, if the report is
submitted by post you are required to phone the FAW. Cliff Evans and Brian Roberts
are completing a 10mile walk and are looking for sponsors. Cliff also informed us that
the Racecourse will host 2 under 21 Wales nternationals. Finally Dave Fawkes
made all members aware that secretary John Swindley and treasurer Chris Allen are
intending on stepping down at the end of the season.
Members Scenarios
There were 2 scenarios discussed, firstly Martin Williams spoke about the taking of a
free kick inside the penalty that was touched by another player prior to the ball
leaving the penalty area and Dave Fawkes discussed an Assistant Referee forgetting
his boots.

Following a short break an Evans, Chris Allen and Bryn Markham-Jones gave a
presentation on Assistant Referees. an spoke of the skills and attributes required of
an AR, Chris discussed the general errors he noticed whilst assessing then Bryn
showed a few dvd clips involving ARs. This topic sparked much discussion on the
evening and everyone was given the opportunity to get involved.

The meeting closed at 9.45pm

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