Temple Bible

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The page is ancient and torn, only part of it is readable, but this is what I managed to gain from it.

..And then the Spirits beckoned onto Crimson, telling him of the bounties of the world of the dead, and with that said he plunged the knife into his chest to join his ancestors in the realm of the Spirits, but once he arrived the Spirits told him how it was a test, and that he had failed by letting his greed overcome him. It is with that we learned that Greed is punished like the other great sins Dishonestly, Heresy, Disobedience, lust, murder and now greed The punishment was death everlasting, damned to the realm of the demons. Crimson begged and pleaded for the Spirits to let him free, but they would not listen, they told him he had to pay for his crimes, so he waited years upon years for his sentence to be over, and it never came. What can we learn from the this? We learn that the Spirits will not allow you to become above the virtues and sins regular Spirituals are subjected to, no matter who you are A King in Crimsons case he learned this the hard way. Now the Spirits are not without their mercy, like in the case of the young Golden Fang. Whom killed a person in cold blood, but it was because the person in question was dishonoring the Spirits and the temple, and so the sin of murder was wavered. But do not think that you can just go kill someone in the name of the Spirits and get away with it, the Spirits can tell when you are killing just to kill, or if your cause is justifiable.

Psalm 192. Spirits guide us, spirits show us the path, spirits destroy the evil within our souls, spirits protect us, spirits be praised. Psalm 193. And the Spirits said let the living know of our existence so they can gain entrance to our paradise in the afterlife, with their faith the Spirits will raise once more in the realm of the living, and destroy the evil within us all

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