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Change is Permanent!!.

Group No. 2

Anticipate Change?
Sniff & Scurry Smelling Change Synergy-Team work -Notice small diffferences in environment Flexible Simple Not complicating things Act Fast and adaptable

Anticipate Change?

Change leads to success

what if we dont change/resist change?

Hem - Not willing to change. - Not proactive(only reactive) - waiting at Cheese station C ? Something will happen? - Fear of failure

what if we dont change/resist change?

Waiting for the situation to change

Challenges of change?
Haw - Unknown venturing into territory (Maze) -Not aware of result - Fear & procastination what will go wrong rather that what can be desired result?

Challenges of change?

Acceptance of Change and enjoyed the change

Motivation for changes?

Fear of starvation. -Survival

Goal- Finding new cheese

Change - Mindset
Sniff and scurry changed mindset immediately Hem and Haw one is not ready to change. Haw wants to change but influenced by Hem Haw changed the mind set , took initiative and risk

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