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Qualitative Research Report

Everyday Digital Camcorder

Product Segmentation

March, 2007

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 1



Background & Study Methodology 3

Executive Summary 4-6

Detailed Findings

Teenage Perspective 8 - 10

Outdoor Enthusiasts 11

Technology Enthusiasts 12 - 15


Discussion Guide 17 - 21

Concepts 22 - 25

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 2

Background and Format:

Within its video product line, Thomson offers the Small Wonder
camcorder which uses flash video memory and is positioned as an
affordably-priced, simple-to-use digital camcorder.
A growth strategy under consideration is a segmentation approach
whereby future models would be designed with specific attributes
intended to appeal to designated target markets. In order to
explore potential markets under consideration, Thomson is
interested in better understanding needs, wants and behavior of
consumers who share key attributes. This learning would be
designed to help develop new derivative camcorder products.
All groups were introduced to the current model Small Wonder via
a Concept Description called The Everyday Camcorder.
Unbranded current model units were then shown and a video
taping and playback demonstration given.
Concept descriptions for the specific segment model intended for
that group were then introduced, followed by design renderings for
each model. The alternative segmentation concept and
renderings were also shown to each group as optional

Research Methodology:
This research was designed to explore these three segmentation

Teenagers: Aged 13-15 who are involved in extra-curricular

activities and/or partake in social networking
(visit internet sites to chat with friends, meet
new friends and share photos). These teens like
to be ‘connected’ to friends and to trends.

Outdoor Enthusiasts: Aged 22-50 who have an active lifestyle

and regularly participate in camping, boating,
hiking, boarding (skate, snow, surfing) or
skiing (water or snow).
Technology Enthusiasts: New technology adopters who are the
primary decision makers and own a computer
2 years or newer, plus own a 30” or larger flat
screen TV (LCD or Plasma). About half own a
High Definition television and in addition,

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 3

some have a home networking computer
system at home with Ethernet/broadband.

― A total of 29 respondents took part, 16 females and 13 males.

― A mix of camcorder non-owners and owners were represented
among those were a few frequent users while most use their
camcorder infrequently, or not at all.
― All groups were held at the Herron Research’s Idea Center in
Indianapolis on March 20, 2007.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 4


Findings from these groups indicate that the idea of a small,

lightweight and affordable camcorder is universally appealing,
regardless of segmentation disposition. A compact camcorder
at a reasonable price is an ideal
way to capture planned and
impromptu video. The universality
of this basic premise transcends
age, activity and technological

Because it is so portable and

inexpensive however, most
conclude that it is likely to be used
more often and exposed to
conditions considered unsuitable
for normal camcorders.

Something like this I would tend to use more in a situation where

I am not so concerned about. I don’t care if it gets damaged –
like at the ocean or at the beach or in the woods where I am not
going to die if I lose it.

Accordingly, the rugged positioning and rugged design

treatments squarely resonated with adults, and to a lesser
extent, conceptually with the teens.

• Technology enthusiasts who are interested in a High Definition

model of the Everyday Camcorder, are almost universally
interested in a combination Hi Def/rugged camcorder. Because
the detail of outdoor nature would be best captured in High Def,
a ruggedly designed camcorder would be protected when
exposed to the elements. In addition, a rugged design might
extend its useful life.
I would want the Hi Def for the outdoors a lot more than
anything I would shoot indoors. I think people who do outdoor
activities would want hi def.
If I am going to spend that much money to get the high def, I
want it to last long so the ruggedness is more important.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 5

• Outdoor enthusiasts who spend a lot of time engaging in
recreational activities were enthusiastic about the rugged
housing, splash resistant case and options for lanyard
attachment. Many regretted using a traditional camcorder in
conditions where it was not protected.
If it is going to be an Everyday Camcorder, it needs to be rugged
because it is going to be so small and you are going to take it
everywhere. It is going to get beat around.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 6

• While teens acknowledge that they are not as careful as they
should be with small electronics, visual appeal of a youthful
looking, compact form trumps an overly rugged design. Teens
generally prefer the brighter (non-primary) colors and some like
the graphical elements shown on the teen models. All appear to
appreciate the value of a rugged, splash resistant exterior for
protection. However, they were concerned that the case
construction and lanyard attachments increased the overall size
of the unit making it appear larger and bulkier than desired.
I like those (teen models). They (rugged models) look bigger
and bulkier.
I don’t like the shape of it but I like the splash resistance. I like
how you can put it around your neck.

Segmentation Positioning Elevates Interest for Two of the

Three Groups
Participants rated the baseline Everyday Digital Camcorder concept on
a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest interest rating. After this,
the product’s video and audio quality were demonstrated followed by
the presentation of the derivative concept for their group. Interest
ratings for the baseline and segmented concepts were as follows:
Outdoor Technology
Teens Enthusiasts Enthusiasts Overall

Baseline Interest Rating 7.9 7.9 8.4


Segmented Concept: “Everyday/Everywhere

“Hi-Def Everyday
“Clipster” Digital Camcorder” Digital
9.2 8.9 8.2
In the Teen and Outdoor Enthusiasts groups, interest in the derivative
model Everyday Digital Camcorder increased. The new product
attributes of the segmented model appear to match the needs and
wants of these users. In addition, most were pleasantly surprised by
the Everyday Digital Camcorder’s video and sound quality. Many
expected it to be grainier and less acceptable, given its affordable

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 7

I can see it being designed for me. With all of those features, I
am going to be a lot more apt to take my camcorder more with

Only in the technology group did interest in the High Definition concept
remain generally flat. As there was no demonstration of the High
Definition video quality, participants were not able to appreciate any
meaningful video quality difference. In addition, those who do not
presently own an HD television but intend to purchase one, are less
interest in an HD camcorder until they purchase their television. Even
one who owns an HD set thinks that the infrequency of his camcorder
usage makes it unnecessary to purchase a new one in HD. Most
assume that the price of this HD camcorder would be significantly
higher than the intended target price. A few male participants in this
group who are frequent digital camcorder users enthusiastically
endorse this derivative rugged HD model as they see it for alternative
uses. Once participants understood the target price, many more
voiced interest due to its affordability.
My future purchases are not going to include anything that is not
high def anymore. I have made that choice and started that
investment cycle so I am not going to throw good money after
bad money.
That’s good, that fits into my affordable range.

Additional Findings:
These additional overarching viewpoints emerged with regard to the
baseline Everyday Camcorder concept:
A desire for a rechargeable battery solution.

− Many respondents whose digital camera uses alkaline batteries

conclude that the rate of power depletion and cost of replacement
batteries makes this aspect of the Everyday Camcorder less
appealing. Teens especially think that it is costly to replace AA
batteries and would much prefer rechargeable batteries. However,
some adults do not regard rechargeable alkaline as the viable
solution as they think that these do not hold their charge as long as
their standard alkaline counterparts.
My mom makes me buy my own batteries now because I use
them up so fast. She hides them.

− A fair number of teens desire an integrated rechargeable solution

that, like the iPod, can be recharged when the unit is connected to a

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 8

It should work like your iPod, that when you plug it in to your
computer, it recharges it. You can plug the iPod into the
computer and it will charge for you, just leave it there.

A desire for the unit to be small enough to fit in their pants


− Younger respondents were especially interested in fitting the

camcorder in their pants pocket for accessibility without the need
for an additional bag or pocketbook. Lanyard attachment
mechanisms and rugged case treatment prompted some concern
that the unit would thereby be too large to comfortably fit in female
pant pockets.

I put my digital camera in my pocket. That one is too tall to fit in

my pocket. I just put everything in my jean pocket.

It needs to be small – I think it should fit in my pocket because I

won’t carry it with me if it doesn’t.

A desire to protect the lens, especially important for a rugged


− With experience as their guide, participants hope that the lens of

the new camcorder can be protected and/or easily replaced if

Is the lens protected also? I would think that the glass would get
scratched up.
Being able to remove that clear cover and replace it with a new
one when it gets scratched up is important. Because it will get
scratched up, especially when they go into your pockets.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 9


Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 10

Teenagers’ Video Behavior

Compact size, ease of use and familiarity with using makes a digital
camera the device of choice to record events. For these teens, digital
cameras are a common social recorder for capturing the event, then
sharing mostly on personal web pages. Digital cameras enable them
to spontaneously document informal events. Sharing the images is as
important as taking them.

Teenagers interested in shooting more video want to capture these

same informal social moments shared with friends. They are not, by
and large, shooting organized activities that they participate in. It is
the silly, goofy and sometimes stupid things that make teen get-
togethers video-worthy.

While teens regard the events as video worthy, they do not, by and
large, regard them as archive worthy. Videos appear to be viewed
immediately after taken, or viewed at home with family. After that
point, some up-load the videos onto personal pages but most appear
not to have incorporated videos onto their My Space profile.

Teens also do not appear to email their videos. Teens seem to opt for
the more immediate dialog of instant messaging and prefer to share
their pictures and profile more broadly by posting on their profile or
photo gallery sites like Web Shots.

Whether it is communicating over the PC or watching videos, teens opt

for the route that delivers immediacy. When viewing the videos he
creates with his digital camcorder, one savvy teen says he prefers
playback on his television versus his PC as it is a faster way to watch

I watch it on TV because it is a little faster to see it. On the PC

you have to wait for it to upload into the computer and then
make sure it is saved on the right spot before you go back and
delete it. I watch it with whoever is with me – my friends, family.
I don’t burn a DVD. If there is anybody who I want to show it to I
get them to come to my house.

The cost of camcorder appears to be the impediment for younger

teens and adult ownership. If video clips are desired, teens use their
digital camera, though they acknowledge this as a secondary activity.
To this age group, camcorder usage has not become as socially
commonplace as a digital camera – no doubt the product’s size and its
conspicuousness contribute to this, along with a prohibitive price.
Those who do not own owe tend to borrow a camcorder when needed.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 11

However, teens interested in the product see the $100 price as one
well within reach. They claim to save up for purchases like this (digital
camera, iPod, etc.) or request it for their birthday or Christmas.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 12

“Clipster” Designs
Overall, teens were pleased with the design directions for the
“Clipster” models. Reaction to specific treatments was varied.
Generally, they appeared to prefer bright solids (non primary colors)
over graphic treatments. Although some did prefer approaches with
graphics as it injects an element of fun. Of all rendering shown, the set
of teal designs appeared to receive more positive comments from the
majority whereas reaction to other specific treatment was more

Graphical Overlays
Teens were interested the ability to add graphical overlays onto the
product. This would allow them to change treatments, if desired. They
cautioned against overlays which attach using glue as these peel up
over time. Many spoke about online customization options which offer
true customization. Perhaps these face plates could be the mechanism

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 13

to deliver rugged protective qualities while retaining their youthful,
edgy appeal.

Some of the ipod stickers they just come off and curl up. Then it
would look tacky.
I want the kind that only come off if you want it to come off.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 14

Design of Back Plate

Teens were shown two concepts for back treatment on the “Clipster”.
Generally, teens found the back treatment shown in Concept 1 to be
too juvenile, reminiscent of game consoles. Instead, they prefer the
flat membrane approach of Concept 2 as it is more contemporary and
has a higher tech appeal.
That (Concept 2) looks more stylish, not so old (dated).

Adults who were shown the two concepts for back treatment preferred
a tactile direction whereby they could ‘feel’ for the right button.

Clip on Module
Boys especially liked the idea of being able to video tape the action
from their perspective while they engage in it. They could foresee
securing (and protecting) the digital camcorder and taping their dirt
bike trail riding or skate board tricks. Protecting the camcorder during
these activities was important so most envision an attachment
(provided cord length is sufficient) or wireless communication to a mini
lens which is then attached to their helmet.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 15

Parents of teens and younger adults were also interested in this feature
and prefer to attach to their hear rather than arm so that all of the
perspective visuals are captured, not just stationary perspective from
an arm.

I wouldn’t use it unless I was sure it wouldn’t break.

Outdoor Enthusiasts

Vulnerability when exposed to the outdoors and the hassles involved in

preparation hinder outdoor enthusiasts’ use of camcorders.

I have a fear about vulnerability because we usually use it

outside and we live on a lake. You have jet skis and boats. You
have your beach bag, your beach towel, you don’t want to take
your camcorder, it is in the big black bag. Either I am out of
tape, or my battery is not charged, there is always an issue as to
why I do not take that camcorder.

The idea of a camcorder designed to accompany these users

on their outdoor activities resonated with all participants. The
rugged design attributes were thought to be smart design
additions. The styling directions (with the exception of the
camouflage treatment) were acceptable.

They look like they are for the outdoors, really rugged.

I would probably bring it snowboarding with me and it does

make me nervous.

I think that could be attractive to younger people too.

Unlike the teens, most adults did not object to the slight size
extensions required for the rugged elements and appreciated the

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 16

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 17
High Definition Digital Camcorder

When identifying their needs and wants in a new camcorder, most of

these respondents mention attributes which would be mostly
addressed with the Everyday Digital Camcorder, i.e. compact size,
simplicity and longer battery life.

Generally, most of the participants in the Technology Enthusiasts group

did not appear aware that camcorders are available in a High Definition
format. They admit to not ‘being in the market’ for a new camcorder,
so are unaware of new developments.

I had no idea about HD camcorders before this. I have not been

in the market for it so I haven’t been doing any research on
camcorders - HiDef or not.

A couple of male participants emerged as particularly aware about and

vested in HD. One intends to purchase an HD camcorder for recording
his friend’s stage shows and the other owns an HD camcorder
purchased with a winning golf tournament gift certificate. The price of
today’s HD camcorders is viewed by most as prohibitive, even for
those who are less knowledgeable about HD.

Accordingly, once participants learned that the intention is to

offer the High Definition Everyday Digital Camcorder at a price
below $300, interest was quite high.

Additional Perspectives

− The need for a feature which minimizes wind noise while

recording outdoors emerged as a desired attribute.
I use noise reduction all the time. 90% of the time we use
it is at soccer games so it is always outside, windy in the
spring and windy in the fall. It filters it out.

− A fair number of respondents voiced interest in basic editing

functions on the camcorder as they think it will free up memory,
especially since HD files are larger in size.

− Only the present HD camcorder owner knew about the difficulty

encountered when sending large files. The size of HD video files
hinders sharing as server capacity limitations and transmission
speed inhibits instantaneous sharing.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 18

The problem that I have run into is the size of people’s
email boxes not allowing it. A lot of people have public
emails without extra storage and it will say they will not
accept it.
Big files like that are alerts and they will get knocked back

− Little interest was expressed in a feature which offers a rolling 10

second video buffer. Respondents do not foresee a practical
value in this feature as it requires the camcorder to remain on
and in position while not shooting video.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 19

HD Everyday Digital Camcorder Design Directions

No single design direction shown in the High Tech rendering emerged

as the preferred approach. In fact, many were concerned that these
designs would expose the HD Everyday Digital Camcorder to the same
vulnerabilities of their present camcorder. When posed the idea of
combining HD with rugged attributes, all but one participant was
enthusiastic. This dissenting respondent views an HD camcorder as
one that should be high tech ‘looking’ whereas others think that
simplicity and ruggedness deliver the ‘Everyday’ aspect of HD

It is designed to the everyday.

This one (rugged) looks very simple some of these look a little
too complex. Based on what we read, it’s the rugged.
Simple is good.
Some of them (high tech designs) look too complex.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 20

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 21
Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 22
Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 23

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 24

Moderator's Outline
Camcorder Discussion Guide
March, 2007
I. INTRODUCTION (10 minutes)
A. Moderator's Introduction (independent, no right or wrong answers,
recording, mirror, etc.)
B. Respondent Introduction – Name and activity they enjoy outside
of school/Outdoor activity enjoyed
C. Product ownership: By a show of hands who owns the following:
- Cell phone
- 35mm camera
- Digital camera
- Camcorder
 How many camcorders in the house?
o Teens: Who bought the item, you? Your parents? A gift? (did
you specify that you wanted it?)
o Hi Tech: HD television, HD DVD

II. GENERAL BEHAVIOR: Camcorder usage (20

Tell me about it:
What kind/format is it?
How long ago did you purchase it?
Who was the purchaser in the family (yourself; spouse; etc.)
Are you intending to get a new one? How soon?
How will this one be different from the one you currently own?
Does your camcorder have the ability to capture digital pictures?
Do you use this feature?
How do you use it: Personal/Business/Other?
Shooting situations.
How often do you use it? Frequency of use?
How you view the videos created? On camera, on computer, on
Do you make DVD’s? How?
Do you share the videos?
How – DVD? Email? Sharing via online video sharing site
(ex: YouTube)
How you ‘archive’ the videos?

***What bothers you about your camcorder?

What stands in the way of you using it more?
Are you only using it for certain situations?

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 25

What other devices do you use to take digital pictures (cell
phone/MP3?) What are the limitations to using your cell phone as the
video taking device?
Capacity…Quality of video…Ease of distribution…
What happens to the videos after they are taken?

Those who do not own a camcorder, why haven’t you gotten

What are you waiting for?
What are the issues that hold you back from getting one?

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 26


Teens: How have you shared the videos that you have
Do you incorporate them into you’re My Space
Post any to UTube?
What kinds of things would you like to use a
camcorder to shoot?
Indoor/outdoor…self record…length of video
Is anyone considering a camcorder for a future
purchase/gift request?
What kind do you want? Describe what the ideal one
would look and be like.

Outdoor: Would you have any interest in a camcorder to be

used specifically for outdoor or sports purposes?
Why or Why not?
How would you expect such a camcorder to perform,
i.e. what would make it special for outdoor/sporting
What would you expect to pay for such a camcorder?

High Tech: How do you feel about

the quality of the videos that you create?
Is video quality an important consideration in the
next camcorder you purchase?
What about equipment/platform/technology



Read the Everyday Camcorder Concept to group and show

Demonstrate video taking and video playback.

Describe how to use while holding up product for group to see

(size, orientation, how to hold and shoot)

Tell me about your reaction to this as a camcorder for

Would you have any interest in owning a camcorder such as the
one described above?

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 27

Why or Why not?

What changes/additions would you want to make it more

relevant/better suited to what you’d like?

Have you heard about this product being available now? What
have you heard about it?

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 28


Each group will read and discuss their primary concept. Then review
the renderings for their primary product. The group will then review
the secondary concept appropriate for their session.

Group: Teens Outdoor Enthusiasts High Tech

Primary Concept Clipster Everywhere Cam HD Cam
Secondary Concept Everywhere Cam HD Cam
Everywhere Cam
Clipster (for gifting) Clipster (for

Concept Review
- I would like to introduce you to a product concept for a new
- Read description of PRIMARY concept
- Initial Reactions, questions / concerns, likes / dislikes
- Discussion of new features / capabilities
- What’s valuable? What’s not?
- What’s missing?

- How would this product change the way you take images/videos
- What is the most compelling aspect of this product?

How often would you email/upload on average?

- How would you want to archive the videos created?

- How does the addition of these features affect the appeal of this
product to you?

Primary Renderings Review

Show and discuss each rendering approach

− How appealing is this product now when they’ve captured it in a
− How does seeing the product compare to what you thought it would
look like?
− Better/worse? How so?
− Does this capture what you thought the product would look like?
− Would you suggest any other approach for the product?

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 29

- What would you expect to pay for such a camcorder?

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 30

Secondary Concept and Renderings

- Read description of SECONDARY concept

- Initial Reactions, questions / concerns, likes / dislikes
- Discussion of new features / capabilities
- What’s valuable? What’s not?
- What’s missing?

- What would you expect to pay for such a camcorder?

- How would this product change the way you take images/videos
- What is the most compelling aspect of this product?

How often would you email/upload on average?

- How would you want to archive the videos created?

- How does the addition of these features affect the appeal of this
product to you?

Secondary Renderings Review

Show and discuss each rendering approach

− How appealing is this product now when they’ve captured it in a
− How does seeing the product compare to what you thought it would
look like?
− Better/worse? How so?
− Does this capture what you thought the product would look like?
− Would you suggest any other approach for the product?

Additional Feature Interest:

Another feature that could be built into either of these products is a
“clip-on” module – whereby you could clip the camera to your hat,
shirt, etc., and video using this device instead of the hand-held
camcorder. (SHOW DEVICE). So it could be like a ‘helmet cam’ and
capture videos from your perspective. Is this something that you
would be interested in?
Does it fit better on one concept versus the other? Which and why?
What would you call it?

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 31

Hi Tech Questions:
**Note we may have to educate the audience on Hi-Def; 720; v
1080i v 1080p**

- Would you have any interest in an EZ camcorder that had

the option to record in hi-definition (720p)?
- Why or Why not?
- How would you expect such a camcorder to perform?
1. Recording time
2. Other…
- What would you expect to pay for such a camcorder

• How often do you believe you’d actually record in Hi-Def?

• Would you record all your events in Hi-Def, or use it
selectively? If selectively, what would you be more likely
to use Hi-Def recording for?
• Hi-Def playback: HDMI cable – new standard – issues with
regard to access and device assignment.
o Introduce Dock as solution – does this solve the
situation? Is this a necessary component?


Get Feedback on potential features:

• Loop Recording or “never miss a moment” feature. Reaction to this
feature, valuable or not? Would it complicate the product or not? Would
you use the feature?
• On-Board Editing (i.e. editing in the camera without using your PC).
Reaction to this feature – valuable or not? Would it complicate the
product? Would you use the feature? Do you expect to have a reason to
want to trim and join video clips on the camcorder itself without going to
a PC? (Adjust recording space to accommodate more content.)

Suggestions for Improvements:

- In summary, are there any additional things needed to make this
product more compelling?
- Check in back room for any last questions/issues. Thanks and good

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 32

The Everyday Digital Camcorder

A new, simple-to-use digital camcorder is being developed. It is as

small as a digital camera, and just as easy to use. Just point and
shoot, and you have created digital video content that is available for
you and others to enjoy. This camcorder can hold up to 60 minutes
of digital video in its built-in memory – no tapes or disks needed.


Easy to Shoot:
• Small and lightweight – hold and shoot with one hand
• Built-in memory – no tapes or disks
• Works with 2 “AA” batteries – no charging or expensive
• Instant playback and delete – record individual video clips and
easily delete those you don’t want

Easy to Share:
• Show your videos on your TV – AV cable included
• Connect to your PC and download videos easily – direct USB
connector built-in, no need for a cable
• Email videos to friends and family with video software inside –
no CD to load onto PC

Easy to Afford:
• Less than half the price of most camcorders

Easy to Save:
• Download videos to PC
• One-hour processing of videos to DVD at local stores

The new Everyday Digital Camcorder: Making home videos easier

and more convenient – anywhere, anytime.

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 33

The Clipster

Want to take high quality video clips of your friends and share them online? In addition
to holding up to 60 minutes of digital video in its built-in memory, it is capable of
expandable memory via memory card for a total of 2.5 hours of recording time.


• Customizable face plates / design

• Rugged construction – protects against accidental drops
• Built-in belt-clip and lanyard for easy portability
• Easily share video online with lots of services

Easy to Shoot:
• Small and lightweight – hold and shoot with one hand
• Built-in memory – no tapes or disks
• Works with 2 “AA” batteries – no charging or expensive replacements
• Instant playback and delete – record individual video clips and easily delete those
you don’t want
• Flip-out screen makes self recording easy
• Frame Grabber – When viewing video on a PC you can grab a great snapshot
within the video and save as a still image.

Easy to Share:
• Show your videos on your TV – AV cable included
• Connect to your PC and download videos easily – direct USB connector built-in,
no need for a cable
• Email videos to friends and family with video software inside – no CD to load
onto PC
• Online sharing resource available for sharing large files – at no charge to you or
the people you share your videos with.

Easy to Afford:
• Less than half the price of most camcorders

Easy to Save:
• Download videos to PC and edit your videos to make DVDs for friends and
family members.
• Or, if you don’t have a DVD burner, create your own DVDs with Memory Maker
DVD solution available at select drug stores

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 34

The New Everyday / Everywhere Digital Camcorder

This camcorder can hold up to 60 minutes of digital video in its built-in memory – no
tapes or disks needed, and it is capable of expandable memory via memory card for a
total of 5 hours of recording time.

• Splash-resistant exterior – no worries if you’re capturing memories pool-side!
• Rugged construction and shockproof – protects in the event of accidental drops
• Special “glare-free” LCD screen for shooting outdoors, even in bright sunlight
• Image stabilizer for capturing the action as it happens
• Built-in belt-clip or wear around your neck for easy portability
• Tripod mount
• Digital Zoom for close-up action

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 35

The “Hi-Def” Everyday Digital Camcorder

This camcorder can hold up to 40 minutes of hi-definition digital video or 2 hours of

standard definition video in its built-in memory – no tapes or disks needed, and it is
capable of expandable memory via memory card to double or triple the recording

• Hi –definition recording – up to 720 progressive scan
o Selectable hi-definition or a more standard “high quality” recording
• Increased digital zoom for capturing the action up close even when you’re not
• Stereo recording
• Ability to do basic editing of videos without a PC
• Glare-free lens – great for recording outdoors

Easy to Shoot:
• Small and lightweight – hold and shoot with one hand
• Built-in memory – no tapes or disks
• Works with 2 “AA” batteries – no charging or expensive replacements
• Instant playback and delete – record individual video clips and easily delete those
you don’t want

Easy to Share:
• Show your videos on your TV – Docking station with HDMI cable included to
view your videos on your HD television
• Connect to your PC and download videos easily – direct USB connector built-in,
no need for a cable
• Email videos to friends and family with video software inside – no CD to load
onto PC
• Online sharing resource available for sharing and sharing large files – at no charge
to you or your email recipients!

Easy to Afford:
• Less than half the price of most Hi –Def camcorders

Easy to Save:
• Download videos to PC
• Create your own DVDs

Thomson – Everyday Camcorder Segmentation 36

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