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In the midst of the controversy over Mohamad Sabu and Bukit Kepong certain views have been expressed about British rule which may have the unintended effect of confusing rather than enlightening the general public. It is true that the Malay states--- unlike Penang, Melaka and Singapore--- were not British colonies in the formal sense. Nonetheless, they were under British rule. The sovereignty of the Malay Rulers was a legal fiction. The Ruler was required in both the Federated and Unfederated Malay States to seek, and act upon, the advice of the British Resident or Adviser on all questions other than those touching Malay Religion and Custom. In other words, decision-making powers were effectively in the hands of the British. Apart from laws and treaties which established the actual locus of authority with the British, every important dimension of the economy was under their control. Issues pertaining to land, resources, labour, capital and market in the Malay states were all determined by British policy and British interests. This made the situation in the Malay states no different from the three British colonies in their vicinity. Indeed, it was British control over both the internal and external economy of the Malay states that rendered them de facto colonies. Economic control led to the exploitation of Chinese and Indian workers in the tin-mining and plantation sectors and the marginalisation of the Malay masses in the peasant sector. The creation of a dual economy with the commodity based, exported oriented sector directed towards the colonial metropolis was a common characteristic of most colonial economies. In reality, the Malay states bore all the iniquities and injustices associated with colonial rule. It is mainly because there was de facto colonialism that UMNO in the fifties and the Parti Kebangsaan Melayu in the forties championed the cause of Merdeka (Independence) from the British. They were focussed upon the substance--- rather than the form---- of British rule. Dr. Chandra Muzaffar. Kuala Lumpur. 12 September 2011.

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