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Location: Bristol climbing centre

Risks to: Students, teachers and members of the public Nature of Activity: Rock Climbing HAZARD ANALYSIS Significant Hazards: Falling from a significant height. Not doing the figure of eight knot correctly. Phone, keys or any object falling out of your pocket and injuring someone on the ground below. Slipping and grazing your hand against the wall. Rope burn. Rope breaking. Harness slipping as you ascend up the wall. Smashing your head against the wall. Not having correct clothing, such as wearing jeans etc. Not having correct footwear. Worn out equipment. Not listening to instructors. Standing in the red circles, this could lead to a collision with another climber. Partner not belaying properly. CONTROL MEASURES Take more care when ascending. Ask the teacher or instructor to see if you have done the knot correctly. Take all objects out of your pockets and put them somewhere safe. Take more care, wear climbing gloves. Take more care, wear climbing gloves. Make sure the rope is strong enough before climbing, by asking an instructor or teacher. Make sure the harness is tight enough so that it doesnt slip. Be more careful of your surroundings. Wear something comfortable for this activity such as tracksuit bottoms etc. Make sure you are wearing the correct footwear for rock climbing. Test the equipment and see if its strong enough. Make sure you are listening to the instructors at all times. Make sure you are not standing in the red circle. Make sure that your partner is concentrating at all times. RISK H/M/L L L M M M L L M M M L H M M

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