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Ae Hc Cat. ‘There are 60 queitionsin this paper. ‘The diagrams in this question paper are NOT necessarily drawn to sale, 1. Which of the following graph best represents the change Inthe glucose content of ._ the blood flowing from the small intestine, through the liver, (othe heatt of a person one hour after taking « meal rich in carbohydrates 7 relative content ‘small intéstine |. liver ‘Which of the following features of the placenta can affect the uptake of oxygen {om the maternal Blood 7 (1) the number of capillaries Q) the flow'tate of blood through the capillaries (2) the flow of maternal and foetal blood in opposite directions ‘A! (1) only’ B. (1)and (2) ony ©. Q) and (3) only D. (1). @)and (3) ‘Which of the following, can pass from the maternal blood into the foetal blood through the placenta T (1) locos @) anlibodies (2) ted blood cells A. (only : B. (1) and (2) only © Q)and (Bony D. (1),@)and (3) Directions 4 1939 Bio M.C. Cer, WS refer to the dliggiam below which shows an experimental setup used! to measure the rate of oxygen uptake by ai insect’: il deop bet jor —_] insect wite gauze small beaker —— Besides the uptake of oxygen, whi il drop to move towards the bell jar ? (2) an increase @) rease (3) an increase in atmospheric pressine sclons can aleo cause the A. (1) ong B. Q)only ©. G)only D. (1) and (2) on le the bell ar . replacing soda lime by sod Which of the following are charactevstic of antibiotics? G) They are extracted from microorganisms. Q) A certain antibiotic is specific inaction towards cet @) They are produced hy the human body when infected by miroorganisns, 4. (1) and 2) only (3) only, G) only D. (,@)and@) cea ~The glucose solution is first boiled and then cooled before it is mixed with the Yeast. Boiling the solution wall (1) stop bacterial respiration. 2) drive away-the dissolved oxygen. : 13) break down glucose to release energy forthe respiration of yeast. A. @)only B. (4) and (2) only © (1) and (3) only D. (2). @)and (ay {mn this experiment:the laye of oil bs used to ‘A. prevent evaporation of the ghucase solution. provide high energy nutrients forthe yeat, .C. prevent sir from dissolving into the solution. D._ provide an insulating layer to keep the temperature constant, ‘hich of the following methods of food preservation is LEAST effective inking ‘microorganisms ? A 8 {uit ito syrup ©. keeping meat in a tefrigerator °B. adding sulphur dioxide to fruit juice -h 10. Water absorbed during seee germination is for (1) softening the seed coat. (2) providing a raw material for photosynthesis, GB) Providing a medium for the breakdown of food reserves. A. (only B. (1)and (3) only ©. Q)and (3) only D. (1), Q)and@) Directions: Questions 11 and 12 refer to the setup shown below. Each ibe contains the same’ volume of hydrogencathonat indicator solution whice fs orange-ced atthe beginning ofthe exper 3) ® oO oO smusin water sna cloth water plant 11. IF the experiment is performed in dackness, the hydrogencarbonate indicator solution ‘A. in tube I will remain orange-red. on tube 2 wil ten prple . in tube 3 will turn red. D. in tube 4 will turn yellow, 12. I the experiment is performed inder iniGorm ilumination, the time requiced for the hydrogencarbonate indicator in each tube tv change to yellow would i in the order : A G).(1).Q), (4). G). 2), 4), (). 4). 2,1), (4), (3), (1), (2). pos x» Which of the following ate transported in the phloem and xylem respectively xylem water minerals sucrose Starch 4. :Which.f the folloiing food substances provides the greatest amount of energy perunit weight? * 7 AL fat B. prottin »G giucose D. sucrose 5. Eiicess amino acids absorbed by a mammal ‘A. - will be stoced iw the (3 ‘ 1B. willbe remued by the kidney. “°C. will be broken down in the liver. 1.” will be used for protein synthesis. +. A student constucted a simple key as shown below for the identification of four animale: fisha bee,acrocodite and a fog. “Key: 1. possesses scales... 2 : toes not possess scales. 3 _ ossesses limbs . ~P does not possess limbs Q 3. possesses moist skin R does wot possess moist skin... S The couect identity of the four animals should be r Q R & A. Gtogodile Tish frog bee B. bee crocodile fish frog © frog bee crocodile fish i D. fish frog bee ‘erocodile Which of the following cells at the matue stage postesses no chromosome 7 - AL aneurone | Babine cell ©. aed blood cet! D. a white blood cell -s- 18. The flowers ofa plant can be des. ed as A. tissues. B. ocgans. C._ systems. D. oxganisins. 19. Which of the following can be found in aq onion epidermal cell but NOT in an amoeba ? ‘A. a ucleus B. a chloroplast C._séall membrane D. acentral vacuole 20. The diagram below shows the I ths of thee fresh potato sisips heloe and after immersing them in sugar solutions (X,Y and Z) of different concentrations solution X solution ¥ solution Z version ([_] [eemoesy C4 Before in Alter immersion for one hour Co ca. oT ‘The water potential of the sugar solutions increases in the onder of XYZ XZY. V.Zx, - YiXZ, poe> 21. When compared to the vein leaving a limb hone of 2 child, the artery entering it ‘usually contains more AL urea, BL iodine. C. calcium, D. carbon 22, Which of the following statements concerning a jo ‘A. Ajoint is held together by tendons, B. Muscles attach to a joint by ligaments C. A joint is the junction between two bones. D. These is no joint in the cranium of the skull

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