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What is a BSP Application?

A Business Server Page (BSP) application is a complete functional application as is a
classic SAP R/3 transaction. Instead of being displayed using SAP GUI, these
applications are displayed in a Web browser or a mobile device browser, such as a
WAP cell phone (see also Mobile Enhancements of the SAP Web Application Server).
HTTP or HTTPS is used to access the application across the network, which means
that standard products like firewalls and proxy servers can be used.
The Business Server Pages programming model is similar to the server page
technology. The focus of the BSP programming model are points that ensure optimum
structure in interfaces and business logic.
For more information about BSP applications, see:
• The components of a BSP application and how they interact, see Structure of a BSP
• How to call an existing BSP application from a Web browser, see Accessing a BSP
• How to start and end a BSP application, see Starting and Ending a BSP Application
• How a BSP application is processed, see Processing a BSP Application
• How to create a BSP application, see Creating a BSP Application
• The URL parameters you can use to access the BSP runtime environment and BSP
applications, see System-Specific URL Parameters
• The concept of an application class for encapsulating the business logic of a BSP
application, see Application Class of a BSP Application

The following tutorials are available:
1. • First tutorial: Getting Started with Business Server Pages
2. • Second tutorial: A Simple BSP Application and A Sample BSP Application
with HTMLB
3. • Third tutorial: Online Bookshop
4. • Fourth tutorial: Further Developing the Online Bookshop
5. • A small tutorial is also available for getting started with the Model View
Controller (MVC) Design Pattern.
6. • A more comprehensive MVC tutorial based on the third tutorial: Our Online
Bookshop Using MVC and HTMLB

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