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POINT Identify the convention/element

EXAMPLE Describe what is denoted in detail EXPLAIN Analyse what that feature connotes/its purpose EFFECT on the AUDIENCE- how and why does it appeal to the reader?

All characters in a media text are carefully constructed. This could be in a fictional text (e.g. a film) or a non-fiction (e.g. the news). These constructions are carefully crafted by the media. We call this REPRESENTATION when the media takes a

subject and RE-PRESENTS them

Comic strip shows clear awareness of character representations

Costumes, props and character actions clearly communicate antagonist and protagonist

Shot types and angles are used to enhance representations

Most stories contain at least one protagonist and one antagonist. A protagonist is the main character in a story. The hero who normally does good things. The antagonist usually tries to stop the protagonists progress. Usually the villain. There are a number of ways we can signify that a character is the antagonist or protagonist: - Costume (outfit, colours, icons) & Props - Body Language/Facial Expressions - Actions of the character All of these elements contribute to how the character is represented.

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