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Devan McCallister Mr. Neuburger Eng.

Comp 102-104 31 August 2011 Single Paragraph Essay Unashamed Survival Lars Eighner wrote an essay On Dumpster Diving. This essay illustrates how a person who has given up the proper social appearance to survive hard times on the streets requires quite a bit of skill and common sense. Surprisingly enough Eighners accounts on the streets shows how dumpster diving can take quite a bit of thinking and planning if done correctly and safely. After all, the finding of objects is becoming something of an urban art.(254) Eighner has created an art form to dumpster diving. The knowledge acquired from his many diving experiences has created a code Eighner goes by. Students throw out many good things, including food.(256) Eighner shows planning with common sense. I avoid trying to draw conclusions about people who dump in the Dumpsters I frequent.(261) This shows how he is considerate of others and how he puts emotion in what he is doing. Of all the thought, time, experience, and emotion put into Eighners dumpster diving, it has become more of an art form for him as he creates his daily meal and necessities out a citys waste. Eighners art is similar to the ability of King Midas in a small measure, making useless into valuable.

Eighner, Lars. On Dumpster Diving. Power of Language: Language of Power. New York. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2009. 253-163. Print

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