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Anchor Story:

Students will learn how to understand addition. Students will work on addition facts and math journals.

Working on Words
High Frequency Words: three, he, is, with, to Students need to be able to read this list of words in 15 seconds or less. Letter sounds and handwriting: r, w, j, k, u

Seasons of Arnolds Apple Tree

Rich Word Vocabulary: buds, blossom, bough, season, bare Focus: text-to-world connection determine what words mean from how they are used in a sentence

Focus: adjectives Writing: staying on topic writing in complete sentences

Word Chunks: -ed, -eg, -et, -ell, -en


Spelling Words:
bed, peg, met, sell, den Dictation Sentence: That is a red wing.

Focus: parts of an apple parts of a seed seasons of the year seed to plant Vocabulary: seed, core, stem, skin, seasons, seed coat, seed leaf, stored food


General Information You Need to Know: Please remember to check and initial your childs take home folder nightly! Remind your child that our class goal is to listen to directions the first time they are given. Read, read, read! Please listen to your child read and sign their reading log every night. 20 minutes a night is our goal. Thank you parents for your help!

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