Walter Fitzpatrick 23 Sept 2011

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STATEMENT of Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, HI, United States Navy

I object to these proceeding because of fraud on the court. Notice of lack of
jurisdiction is recorded.
The absence of a law imposing legal responsibility in an indictment or
True Bill or complaint is a denial of due process.
This court is with out subject matter jurisdiction.
You have failed to give me a full bill of particulars stating the true nature
and cause of this court so I object to your court.
The filing of a false and fraudulent claim constitutes a fraud upon the
court by enticing the court into collusion with the prosecution plaintiff by
using forms of law to deprive the defendant of defendant rights.
You are without a claim or have failed to state a claim made under
affidavit with penalties for peliury that is not flawed that relief that can
be granted on so I object to your court.
You have failed to produce a genuine oath of office to show proper
delegation of authority.
A malicious abuse of legal process occurs where the party employs it for
some unlawful object, not the purpose which it is intended by the law to
effect; in other words, a perversion of the law.
This court affords no due process of law by design; this court has no
jurisdiction over me and no lawful case against me. This court's charges
are unconstitutional, unlawful and based in fraud and fiction, and thus,
this case must be dismissed. Any court that fails due process forfeits any
perceived jurisdiction and any rulings rendered are void, without force or
effect, whatsoever. Because absent jurisdiction, all acts undertaken under
color of statute or ordinance are null and void from their inception.
I reserve all my rights including my right to subrogation, remedy and
recourse against this fraud against me by all par ticipants of this de facto
court should you go forward against me and deprive me of my life, my liberty,
my fortune or any of my God given rights which are constitutionally
You are on notice by Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III, United States Navy
With that our work here is finished and I take my leave.
JoP;f;; ......... ;i , 7.lL.

filJD41, 06

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