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Feudalism: Reading Answer the following questions as you read: 1. Where did knights come from? 2.

What role did knights have in a feudal society? Vassals? Lords? 3. Describe the nature of feudal relationships.

Feudalism: Guided Notes Feudalism is a _____________ _____ ________________ that evolved in _________ ___________ during the __________ ___________ (__________ - __________). Feudal societies are made up of a ___________, his ___________, and their __________, ___________, the middle classes, such as merchants and craftspeople, and finally, farmers, peasants, and slaves. A _______ would grant land to a _________ for good service. That land, known as a _______, would be overseen by the _____________. The king had __________ power in a feudal system. In many cases the _______ (also referred to as nobles or the nobility), had as much or more ________ than the king.

Use the following chart to compare and contrast: Monarchy Feudalism

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