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|tcher ump M18 11

Sept 22 2011

1 keevln 3000
2 8C 3110
3 8ob 3134
4 lan 3210
3 1roy 3241
6 Parold 3326
7 Alan v 3341(Lle)
8 1rlp 3341(Lle)
9 ArL 3339
10ScoLL 3411
11Wlll 3431
12Chrls 3434
13uanlel 8 3321
141anya 3622
131eel 3623
168eLh 3743
17ScoLL P 3731
188randon 3734
19karle 3830

1hanks Lo everyone who showed up and parLlclpaLed 1hanks Lo Lhe volunLeers who helped
wlLh Lhe Llmlng 1hanks Lo my wlfe who leL me ouL of Lhe house for Lhe evenlng 1hanks Lo Lhe
Clrl ScouLs who leL us use Lhelr land We ralsed $190 whlch wlll be donaLed Lo lLcher ump

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