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"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work

within us, to Him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21)

St. Paul Lutheran Church and School 700 Ardenlee Parkway Peachtree City, GA 30269

God has accomplished far more than we could have ever asked for or imagined through the ministries of St Paul Lutheran Church and School. Lives have been transformed, marriages and families have found wholeness, individuals have grown in their faith, ministries have flourished, and God's message of love and grace has been shared in our community, surrounding counties, and around the world. Today, our ministry is thriving, and the need for a designated worship space, additional ministry space, a central location for bible study, fellowship, and administrative needs is becoming painfully evident. During the course of this endeavor, we will gather the necessary funds to construct a designated worship facility and renovate our current building to accommodate an expanded school curriculum. The goal for this capital campaign is $2 million. This goal will stretch our faith, requiring a bold hope and trust in our God who can do "More Than We Can Imagine". We believe that God is leading us to initiate this capital campaign to expand His kingdom in our community. We pray for His guidance as we embark upon this next ministry step. OUR PAST Our Lord blessed St. Paul's faithfulness during the latter days of the 20th century. In the summer of 1995, a group of four families, under the leadership of Pastor Janssen, held its first organizational meeting to establish St. Paul Lutheran Ministries in Peachtree City, Georgia. Their first priority was to provide a Christian (Lutheran) school for the families and children of this rapidly developing city, 25 miles south of Atlanta. Property was soon purchased, a principal and staff were called, a construction loan was provided through the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, and our school opened in the fall of 1997. All of this happened because a small group of people believed in a great, big God who does "More Than We Can Imagine". They took on a risk, with a very high level of faith, for those of us to come. These founding members, by Gods grace and intervention, moved forward boldly in faith and in His vision for us. Our current facilities, (school cafeteria and gymnasium) provide opportunities for our worship services and ministries, while the school continues to provide an environment to share Christ on a daily basis with the hundreds of children who pass through it's doors. What a blessing! To God be the glory! Now, it is our time to stand with those who have gone before us with faith and boldness in developing and supporting a clear vision for the future of St. Paul Lutheran Ministries in Peachtree City, Georgia. OUR PRESENT His faithfulness to us continues into the 21st century. God continues to bless our congregation with spiritual growth. Membership is increasing; student enrollment continues to rise. Lives are being transformed through the message of Jesus Christ, and we are experiencing this blessing first hand in our giving, attendance, and ministry opportunities. These blessings are providing us with challenges for parking space

and facility resources. Additional space and place are required to address the many needs and ministry opportunities the Lord is placing before us. Our fellowship activities, Bible study groups, community functions, meeting places, and school curriculum are limited. A designated area for worship, hospitality, bible study, childrens ministry and sacred space, as well as the desire to add opportunities for a fine arts program in our school facility are opening new doors for the Lord to do "More Than We Can Imagine". We regularly face limitations with adequate and convenient parking on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. Our gym set-up teams are weary; the constant movement of chairs, acoustics and sound equipment is taking a toll. Space limitations (every classroom is used during the school day) restrict weekday activities for church members and community events. OUR VISION St. Paul Lutheran Ministries will function as a 21st century mission outpost. Our vision is to live out our mission statement of Bringing Christ to the Home and Transforming Lives with Eternal Values. This action, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, connects people to Jesus, thus developing His devoted followers. Therefore, after very careful study and prayerful consideration, we believe that God is calling us to move forward to build a state of the art worship facility and renovate our current facility. This new worship facility will provide sacred space, a beautiful worship atmosphere, multiple learning and fellowship opportunities, a children's/youth ministry wing, and user-friendly kitchen facilities. Our desire to expand the school's fine arts will no longer be limited when the church administration and ministries are moved to this new location. BOLDLY MOVING FORWARD Through the blessings of our great God, and the prayerful efforts and faith filled sacrificial giving of our members and friends of St. Paul, we plan to build the facility to fulfill our vision. The depth and breadth of this endeavor will require us to raise additional funds above and beyond our regular offerings in support of our annual ministry budget. We have contracted with Capital Funding Services of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund to lead us in a 3-year capital campaign. Much of the work for this campaign has begun. It is our prayer, that God will direct each of us to boldly and sacrificially give to our ministry vision. Embarking upon a capital campaign at this time will enable us to meet the needs of a growing population of children and families who so desperately need to hear the message of Gods grace and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. A designated worship facility will enhance our Sunday morning worship services, bible classes, and fellowship opportunities. We believe that through this endeavor, more people will experience the abundant life that

Jesus promises for all who remain in Him. Our members have agreed not to incur additional indebtedness and not to break ground until sufficient funds are in hand. Our goal for the capital campaign is $2 million. Is this a goal which is more than we can imagine? Perhaps. Do we worship a God who can do "More Than We Can Imagine"?..... CERTAINLY!! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: It is my heart felt desire that our prayers, dedication and commitments be bold as we follow His love for us as recorded in John 3:16. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be and abide in us now and forever. In His service. and yours, Pastor Dan Schepmann + soli deo gloria +

No. of Gifts

Gift Level

IMPACT GIFTS $200,000 1 $150,000 1 $100,000 2 $50,000 4 PACESETTER GIFTS $45,000 5 $30,000 6 $21,000 8 $15,000 10 SIGNIFICANT GIFTS $12,000 16 $9,000 22 $6,000 28 $3,000 36 --------Many






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