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SpeclallLy SLores Mass Merchandlsers

roducL 1ype narrow MouLhed Wlde MouLhed narrow MouLhed Wlde MouLhed
Crganlckldz ConLrlbuLlon $1123 $943 $1123 $943
Selllng rlce Lo
lnLermedlaLorles (small
conslderlng 10 margln) nA nA $12373 $10393
Selllng rlce Lo
Consumers $1999 $2499 $13 $18
$14 (Conslderlng 10
margln for small
$12 (Conslderlng 10
margln for small
SpeclallLy SLore Mass Merchandlsers
CosLco and CLher
Warehouse Clubs
no of SLores 2000 20000 1300
rlce facLor 13 1 1
MarkeL Slze no of
SLores * rlce facLor 3000 20000 1300
MarkeL Share ln Lerms of
revenue 1224489796 8163263306 612244898
All llgures are based on
a conservaLlve esLlmaLe
Warehouse Clubs

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