Report Proposal Template PDF

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Project Proposal
Prepared for: Write the name of your intended audience here Prepared by: Your Name Here, Job Title September 10, 2011

Melrose Elementary M/S/T

731 N. Detroit LA, CA 92701

T 323.938.6275 F 323.938.4981

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Table of Contents
Unhealthy Drinking Water Report
Summary Goals/ What Do You Hope to Achieve

1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

My Campaign Will Look Like My Audience Why These Will Work What Are Your Solutions to the Issue/Problem

Name of report

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Unhealthy Drinking Water Report

Write a summary of about your issue, include the 5 Ws + H.

Goals/ What Do You Hope to Achieve

Write what you hope to achieve by addressing this issue.

Name of report

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My Campaign Will Look Like
Describe what you will do to raise awareness for your issue. This will include things like posters, a website, commercial, buttons, public speaking, letters to elected ofcials, coloring book, etc...

My Audience
Whose mind are your trying to change? Children, adults, senators, the president, families of Melrose Elementary?

Why These Will Work

Why is the campaign method or methods you have chosen the right ones?

What Are Your Solutions to the Issue/Problem

Explain what you think the solutions are to the issue you have chosen. For example, mine is unhealthy drinking water, so one solution I may propose is that people stop putting medicine and other items down the drain that dont belong there.

Name of report

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