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Planning & Types of Plans

Presented By: Abdul Wasi (Roll Number: FA11-MB-0075 )

Presented To: Sir. Ubedullah Memon

Plans are nothing Planning is every thing! Definition:

Planning is that function of management in which a conscious choice of patterns of influence is determined for decision-makers so that the many decisions will be coordinated for some period of time & will be directed towards the chosen broad goals. by Joseph.L.Massie.

Is a pre-determined course of action. It brings orderliness. Avoids confusion. Gives better use of resources. Cuts waste. Plans are changed or modified but not abandoned.

Types of Plans
Single use or one time plans

Tactical Plans

Standing Plans

Operatio nal Plans

Subject Plans

Strategic Plans

LongTerm Plans

ShortTerm Plans

MediumTerm Plans

Single Use or One Time Plan

It is specifically designed to meet the needs of a unique situation and is created in response to non-programmed decisions that managers make.

Standing Plans
Ongoing activities plans that provide guidance and for are



created in response to programmed decisions

that managers make.

Non-Programmed Decision
Unique decisions that require a custom-made

Programmed Decision
A repetitive decision that can be handled by a routine approach.

LongTerm Plans
Plans that are formulated to extend up to beyond five years.

Middle-Term Plans
Plans made to study the impact of






business into new markets or on sales.

Short Term Plans

Plans that are formulated to cover a period of

less than one year.

Strategic plans
These plans are organizationwide, establish

overall objectives and position an organization

in term of its environments.

Operational Plans
Plans that specify details on how overall objectives are to be achieved.

Tactical Plans
These plans are intended to achieve the
tactical goals of an Organization. These are

related to the departmental goals.

Planning is base for every business organization. without planning its difficult to succeed.

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