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Entrepreneur is a person who starts a business an enterprise, or a firm. He work for himself and also provides employment to other. He is his own boss. Entrepreneur is a person with total commitment, perseverance, integrity and reliability, realism and sense of humour, taking initiative and personal responsibility. Entrepreneurship is the spirit of a person. It is a quality which may inherent or developed. For the economic development of a country, entrepreneurial skills need to be developed.

Women constitute around half of the total world population. So is in India also, they are therefore regarded as the better half of the society, women entrepreneurs may be defined as a women or group of women who initiate, organize and run a business enterprise. According to the government of India, `women entrepreneur is defined as an enterprise owned and controlled by a women having a minimum financial interest of 51 per cent of capital and giving at least 51 per cent of the employment generated in the enterprise to women.


In Indian economy women entry into business is a new phenomenon. Women entry into business or say, entrepreneurship is traced out as an extension of their kitchen activities mainly 3ps, PICKLES, POWDER AND PAPPAD. Women in India plunged into business for both pull and push factors. Pull factors: women start an occupation or venture with an urge to do something independently. Push factor: factor which compel women to take up their business to tide over their economic difficulties and responsibility. Women started shifting from 3pcs to engross to 3es, namely ENGINERING, ELECTRONICS, ENERGY.

Women entrepreneurs manufacturing solar cookers in GUJARAT. Women started small foundaries in MAHARASHTRA. Women started doing T.V. capacitors in ORRISA. In Kerala women industrial units was 358 in 1981 which rose to 782 in march 1984. Women excel in all industries like polities, academic administration, business and industry and are no longer the prerogatives of men in India. Several national and international organization and agencies have precited the need for and importance of developing women entrepreneurs in recent years.

2 United nation declared the decade 1975-85 as the decade for women UNIDO Preparatory meeting at Vienna during 6-10 February 1978 identified several constraints which held women back from participating in industrial activities this meeting was on the title of women in industrialization in developing countries. The first national conference at Delhi 1981 and the second international conference at Delhi in 1981 and the second international conference at Delhi in 1989, adopted certain declaration involving women participation on industry. There are several institutional arrangement both at the center & state levels, Banks, financial coporations, State Industrial corporation, District industry and voluntary agencies like FICCIs ladies organization (FLO), National Alliane of young entrepreneurs NAYE which have been engaged in protection and development women entrepreneur in the country. Added to these are national and international women associations set up with a purpose to create a congenial environment for development women entrepreneurship in rural and urban areas.


Feasibility analysis is the process of evaluating the future of a project idea within the limitations of the project situation by the environment. It is undertaken to determine the desirability of investing in further development of project idea. First, the project may appear to be positive and in such a case the project assessing body can proceed to invest further resources in pre investment studies and development. Secondly the project turns out to be not feasible and therefore further investment in project idea is ruled out. Thirdly, the data is not adequate for arriving at a decision about the feasibility of the project in such a situation, additional information must be collected and the investment decision is deferred till the final decision. Projects identified are normally analyzed in order to establish their viability from different angles generally the exercise in project feasibility analysis is carried out dividing it formally in 3 stages. Pre- feasibility study Feasibility study Project report


A pre- feasibility study differs from a detailed feasibility study primarily with regard to the detail of the information obtained even at pre- feasibility stages it is necessary to examine the economic alternatives of: Market potential Material procurements Location and site Project engineering; technology and equipment and civil engineering works Overheads; administration and sales Manpower; labour and staff Financial analysis

It is the most important part of project analysis. For it provide answer to question in detail on different aspects relating to a project from sis different aspects. Economic Technical

Managerial Organizational Commercial Financial The relative important of these different aspects varies considerably according to the type of project involved.

5 Project report:
Project report or business plan is a written statement of what entrepreneurs propose to take up. It is a kind of guide frost or course of action what the entrepreneur hopes to achieve in his business and how is he going to achieve it.

Feasibility studies:
There are broadly six aspects of appraisal of project proposals.

Technical feasibility:
The examination of this aspects requires a thorough assessment of the various requirement of the project formulation process and detained estimation of the materials and needed for project land, trained labour, transportation, fuel, power, water etc., another important features is related to the type of technology adopted for the project. The lending institution also employs technocrafts to study the project on their technical aspects.

Economic feasibility:
This aspect of an appraisal relates to the earning capacity of the project. Earning of the projects depend upon the volume of the sales. It takes account the materials available for sales and the existing demand. Future changes in the volume and pattern of supply and demand will have to be estimated in order to assess the long run prospects of the shop. In calculating future demand the lending bank has taken into consideration the potentialities of the export market, the changes in incomes and prices.

Commercial viability:
The appraisal of commercial aspects of a project involves the study of the proposed arrangements for purchase and sale of materials. In the operating phase commercial problems vary considerably from sector to sector. The term which has an important bearing on the amount of working capital required.

Managerial competence:
To a large extent, the lending banks confidence in the repayment prospect of a loan is conditioned by its opinion of the borrowing units management. Thus it has been aptly remarked that appraisal of management is the touch some of the term credit analysis. The caliber of the people with whom he is dealing can be judged with reference to their know- how of the business as reflected in their purchases, sales, labour and personal credit and financial policies.

Financial feasibility:
The financial position of the concern has to be examined during the currency of the loan. For having a proper perspective of the financial position of the concern, it is

not sufficient to consider a single years performance as revealed in the balance sheet and profit and loss account. On the other hand, a dynamic view has to be taken of the organization in the next few years. The data required for a financial analysis can be grouped under the following heads: Cost of the projects Cost of the profitability Cash flow estimates during the currency of the loan 7

Performa balance sheet at the end of each financial year during the period of the loan.

Social consideration
The social objective of the projects is also considered keeping in view o f the interest of general public. The projects, which offer large employment potential, which canalize the income of the agricultural sector for productive use or projects which are located in totally less- developed areas or projects which will stimulate small industries of the growth of ancillary industries are given special considerations.

Project formulation
Project formulation is the systematic development of a project idea for the eventual objective of arriving at an investment decision. Project formulation is a process involving

the joint efforts of a team of expert. Each member of the team should be familiar with the board strategy, objectives and other ingredients of the project. Project formulation devices the process of project development into eight distinct and sequential stages. These stages are: General information Project description Market potential Capital cost and source of finance Assessment of working capital requirements Other financial aspects 8 Economic social variables Project implementation The feasibility study is an iterative process covering all aspect of an investment project. Most ot the feasibility studies have the same or similar coverage, though there be considerable difference in orientation and emphasis depending on such factor as the nature of the industry, the magnitude and complexity of the production unit contemplated, investment and other cost involved.

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