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COURSE CODE - 2030107 PG DEGREE EXAMINATION - SEP 2011 MSC (PHY) MODERN OPTICS (For Candidate Admitted from

Calendar 2007 Onwards) Time: 3 Hours PART - A Answer All the Questions: 1. What is a convex lens? 2. Define Aberrations in lenses. 3. What is achromatism? 4. Write a small note on colours in thin films. 5. Define the term Resolving power. 6. What are polarizing prisms? 7. Give the definition for specific rotatory power? 8. List the uses of optical fibres. 9. What are the different types of losses in optical fibers? 10. Mention some of the laser light sources. PART - B Answer All the Questions: 11. a. Obtain Newtons formula for a convex lens system. (Or) b. Discuss about aberrations in lenses and optixl instruments. 12. a. Write about spherical aberration in lenses. (Or) b. Obtain the condition for achromatism of two lenses in contact. 5 X 5 = 25 10 X 2 = 20 Max.Marks:75

13. a. Give the method of determination of diameter of wire by using Air Wedge setup. (Or) b. Discuss about Fresnels diffraction at a straight edge. 14. a. Compare a prism spectrum with a grating spectrum. (Or) b. Explain the working of a quarter wave plate. 15. a. List out the characteristics of a optical fiber. (Or) b. Write notes on multimode fiber. PART - C Answer any Two Questions: 2 X 15 = 30

16. Explain how biprism is used for the determination of wave length and thickness of thin sheet of transparent material. 17. How a grating is used for the wave length determination with necessary theory. 18. Give the method of production and detection of plane, circularly and elliptically polarised light. 19. Give the construction and working of a Lorentz Half shade polarimeter. 20. Write detailed essay on the different losses in fiber optics communication system.

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