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Microcontroller Based Automatic Power Supply Control

A Mini Project

Submitted By : Jaideep Shetty J S Keshava G N Prathweesh K Roshan H

4KV08EC036 4KV08EC042 4KV08EC064 4KV08EC074

Components : Microcontroller Kit Infrared sensors Resistors and Capacitors Connecting Wires

Block Diagram :

Infrared Sensor(S2)

Entry Door


Exit Door



Infrared Sensor(S1)

Fig(a): Room with separate entry & exit doors.

Infrared Sensor(S2)





Infrared Sensor(S1)

Fig(b): Room with single door.

Abstract : This device is designed for efficient use of electricity. Most of the time people forget to switch off the electrical or electronic appliances when they leave the room, the power is simply wasted. In order to avoid the wastage of electricity, the above device is helpful. The device mainly consists of two infrared sensors & a microcontroller kit. And, the device is designed for use in two different conditions. ie: i) Room with separate entry and exit doors (ie: Tow doors). ii) Room with single door.

In case of room with separate entry and exit doors, the sensors are connected across each door as shown in Fig(a). Here, when each person enters into the room, the sensor S1 will be activated and counter of microcontroller up counts. When person goes out of the room, sensor S2 will be activated and counter down counts. When counter becomes zero, it indicates that there is no one in the room, the flag will be up and switch will open. Thus there will be no main supply for electrical appliances.

For the room with single door as shown in Fig(b), both the infrared sensors are placed across the door, separated by a bit distance parallely. Here, if the sensor S1 is activated first and then the sensor S2, the microcontroller decides that a person entered into the room. The counter counts up. If S2 is activated first and then the sensor S1, the microcontroller decides that a person exit the room, hence the counter counts down. When counter becomes zero, main supply will be stopped. The device is also flexible. ie: If an individual needs some electronic appliances like: Laptop or mobile chargers to be handled manually, we can arrange it by bypassing of main supply line.

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