Master and Slave Morality

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Master- and Slave-Morality By Friedrich Nietzsche

REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. How does Nietzsche characterize a good and healthy society? - Nietzsches characterization of good and healthy society is there should be an exercise of will of power for the superior individuals. Those superior individuals follows a master-morality that shows superiority to less individuals such as commoners and they should follow slavemorality.

2. What is Nietzsche view of injury, violence, and exploitation? - Nietzsches view is life itself is injury, violence and exploitation.

3. Distinguish between master-morality and slave-morality? - Master-morality people shows power, strength, egoism, and freedom. They are the one who is proud and noble. They think that common people are untruthful while they call themselves truthful ones. Slave-morality is the one who is weak, submissive, sympathy, and shows love. In able to attain honour, they should possess kindness, helping hand, the warm heart, patience, diligence, humility and friendliness.

4. Explain the Will to Power. - Will to Power is the embetterment of the relationship between individuals. It is a continued growth for the ones who live and life is precisely Will to Power.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Some people view Nietzsches writings as harmful and even dangerous. For example, some have charges Nietzsche with inspiring Nazism. Are these charges justified or not? Why or why not? - His writings are harmful and dangerous if the one who reads it is looking at the bad side. But when you look at the brighter side, there is still order when its implemented correctly. But if its legally implemented, there is a big prone of abusement of superiority and it will lead to chaos. The charges are not justified because his writings are not exactly the same as Nazism. Nazism did numerous murders before and it is not exactly like what he wrote. It is just prone to that.

2. What does it mean to be a creator of values? - He/she must be intelligent enough to think what will benefit everyone and not only himself or selected ones. A person that can persuade anyone to follow his beliefs. Definitely a man of reason and goodness.

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