Proposed Letter Supporting H3448

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Dear Representative ______________:

I am a family historian and avid genealogist. Family histories and

genealogies are important for many reasons, the least of which is to establish
with a high level of surety, vital record information which descendants
generations from now, can learn about.

Several bills are currently pending: H3642, H3643, and H3644. I kindly
request you oppose these bills as written for the following reasons:

… Would fail to provide for copies other than certified.
Genealogists request a classification of a special certified-
genealogical or non-legal purpose, or simply a verified

… An incremental updating of dates for record transfer is not clear
… Indices and actual records are restricted for genealogists
… Onerous burden is placed upon the requestor to prove he/she is
of a class entitled to receive a copy of the record
… Custodian’s decision process is subjective as to what constitutes
a proper written request for a record; lacks regulation by a
disinterested third-party

… No provision for a time period or mechanism/means to form the
special records committee
… The composition of the committee must include the state
supervisor of public records, AND (not “or”) the state archivist.
A representative of the Massachusetts Historical Society should
also be on this committee
… A quorum must be by majority (rather then 7)
… Committee duties should include formation of regulations ONLY
after public hearings are conducted.

House bill H3448 as published is a better bill that accomplishes the intent of
3642/43/44, and enables genealogists to conduct their research. Funding
issues not addressed in H3448 can easily be remedied by including
appropriate language from H3644.

People from across the country travel to Massachusetts and Boston, spend
many tourist dollars, and conduct research of their ancestors. The best
crafted legislation should be considered to ensure genealogy researchers
have access.

Kind regards,

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