Dabur Rural Project - Presentation Transcript

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Dabur Rural Project - Presentation Transcript

1. Rural Marketing Rural Marketing is a process which starts with a decision to produce a saleable farm commodity and it involves all the aspects of market structure or system, both functional and institutional, based on technical and economic considerations and includes pre and post harvest operations, assembling, grading, storage, transportation and distribution. 2. Rural Market A Growing World o Today Rural Market is highly growing sector in India. It is full of opportunities. If you seen most of the rural consumer go to the nearby citys to buy the branded products and services. Today most of the companies run to the Rural Markets for establishing their brands. Gone are those days when marketers thought van campaigns, cinema commercials and a few wall paintings would sufficient to entire rural market, but now they want more knowledge about the product. Today the customer of Rural area is quite literate and know about trends of the market. Trends indicate that the rural markets are coming up in a big way and growing twice as fast as the urban. 3. Demand in Consumer Durables in Rural Market (Figures in 000 tonnes) 4. Demand of Consumer Expandable (Number of households owning goods per 000 households) 5. Penetration of Expendables (Number of households using consumables per 000 households) 6. Rural Demand Expandable (% of all India) 7. Rural Marketing of Dabur India ltd. 8. Overview of Dabur o One of the largest FMCG company Consolidated turnover of Rs. 2234 crores o Differentiated Product Strong herbal and natural product profile More than 120 years of experience o Wide distribution network Covering 1.9 million retail outlets High penetration in Urban and Rural areas o Brand strength Various strong brands in diverse categories Mother brand Dabur has a strong image in customers mind 9. Overview of Dabur con.. o Dabur India Limited is the fourth largest FMCG Company in India with interests in Health care, Personal care and Food products. Building on a legacy of quality and experience for over 120 years. Strength of Dabur is its powerful brands image in customers mind like Dabur Amla, Dabur Chyawanprash, Vatika and Hajmola. It is most famous for Dabur Chyawanprash, Dabur Amla and Hajmola. 10. Overview of Dabur con.. o Leading brands of Dabur India ltd. is Vatika, Anmol Sarsano Amla, Hajmola, Dabur Amla, Chyawanprash, and Lal Dant Manjan each brand having Rs.100 crore turnovers. o Vatika Hair Oil & Shampoo is the high growth brand of the company. o Dabur Honey is the market leader with over 40% market share in branded honey market. o Dabur Chyawanprash is the largest selling Ayurvedic medicine with over 65% market share. o Dabur also the leader in herbal digestives market with 90% market share. o In Digestive tablets category Hajmola is the leader with 75% market share. o Dabur Lal Tail having top position in baby massage oil market with 35% of market share. 11. Product Range o Health Care o Skin Care o Oral Care o Hair Care o Foods 12. Products o Dabur Foods Real Real Activ Real Twist Coolers Hommade Lemoneez Capsico

Honey 13. Products o Health care Baby Care Dabur Lal Tail Dabur Baby Olive Oil Dabur Janma Ghunti 14. Products o Health Supplements Dabur Chyawanprash Dabur ChyawanShakti Dabur Glucose D 15. Products o Digestives Hajmola Yumstick Hajmola Mast Masala Anardana Hajmola Hajmola Candy Hajmola Candy Fun2 Pudin Hara Pudin Hara G Dabur Hingoli 16. Products o Natural Cures Shilajit Gold Nature Care Sat Isabgol Shilajit Ring Ring Itch Care Back-aid Shankha Pushpi Dabur Balm Sarbyna Strong 17. Products o Hair Care Oil Amla Hair Oil Amla Lite Hair Oil Vatika Hair Oil Anmol Sarson Amla 18. Products o Hair Care Shampoo Anmol Silky Black Shampoo Vatika Henna Conditioning Shampo Vatika Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Anmol Natural Shine Shampoo 19. Products o Oral Care Dabur Red Gel Dabur Red Toothpaste Babool Toothpaste Dabur Lal Dant Manjan Dabur Binaca Toothbrush Miswak Promise 20. Products o Skin Care Gulabari Vatika Fairness Face Pack

21. Products o Household Care Odonil Odopic Odomos Sanifresh 22. % of Dabur Products in the market 23. 24. Competitors of Dabur in Rural Market (in hair oil segment) Meera herbal oil Navratna Himtaj Parachute Him Raj Bajaj Brahmi Amla Banphool Shanti Amla Keo Karpin Nihar 25. Dabur Product in Rural Market Dabur Lal Tail Dabur Janma Ghutti Dabur Chyawanprash o Dabur Glucose D o Hajmola o Hajmola Candy o Pudin Hara o Dabur Hingoli o Amla Hair Oil o Vatika Hair Oil o Dabur Red Toothpaste o Babool Toothpaste o Dabur Lal Dant Manjan o Promise Odomos 26. Major Product in Rural market o Dabur Amla Hair Oil ( it is Available in) 3.5 ml 8 ml 50 ml 100 ml 200 ml 300 ml 500 ml 27. Competitor of Dabur Amla (in Rural market) o Nihar Amla o Shanti Amla o Bajaj Brahmi Amla o Parachute Coconut oil o Keo Karpin o Himani Navratna o Banphool 28. Competition Dabur Amla Hair oil 3.5 ml 8 ml 50 ml 100 ml 200 ml Rs. 1 Rs. 2 Rs. 11 Rs. 20 Rs. 38 Nihar Amla

3.5 ml 50 ml 100 ml 200 ml

Rs. 1 Rs. 13 Rs. 24 Rs. 42 Shanti Amla

3.5 ml 50 ml 100 ml 200 ml

Rs. 1 Rs. 11 Rs. 20 Rs. 38 29. Market Share of Hair Oil (in Rural market) 30. How Dabur beats the competition of Dabur Amla hair oil (in Rural Market) o Dabur Announced beauty contests all across the country. o Dabur heavily advertised its brand through mass advertising tools like: TV, Radio, Newspaper and POP displays. o Dabur had a vast distributions network in the rural area. So, they are easily able to reach the customer in the rural area. o Company launched Rs. 1 sachet of the Dabur Amla Hair Oil. o Dabur indorsed its brand through Rani Mukharji. 31. Promotion Strategy o For attracting more customers Dabur using following Promotional tools in rural market: TV Commercial Radio News Paper POP display Wall panting Contest in Melas or Haats Video vans Sales Promotion 32. Promotion Strategy o Dabur heavily advertised Dabur Amla Hair Oil. Dabur endorse Dabur Amla Hair Oil through Rani Mukherjee. o Dabur conducted various Beauty contests in which the rural people have the interest. Like Dabur Amla Sunder Dabur Amla Susheel Dabur Yogya Pratiyogita 33. Regional branding strategy o Dabur is trying to capture market by launching products with a regional twist. It is selling Sivappu Pal Podi or local version of its popular brand Lal Dant Manjan in Tamil Nadu. In north region they give English name Dabur Red tooth Powder. 34. Distribution Strategy o Dealer o Whole seller o Agents o Retailer o Kirana store 35. Thank You

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