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A permanent solution to a temporary problem!

What are the facts?

Suicide does not happen without warnings. People who have attempted suicide often asked for help in an indirect way. All talk of suicide should be taken seriously. Most people who have attempted suicide and failed are grateful to be alive. Using drugs and alcohol can put people at risk of acting on suicidal thoughts because their judgment is impaired. Most people who have considered suicide considered it only for a brief period in their life Third leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds Fifth leading cause of death for 25-64 year olds

Suicide is the act of intentionally taking ones own life

Warning Signs
Feeling hopeless Withdrawing from family and friends Neglecting basic needs Experiencing loss of energy Taking more risks Using alcohol and drugs Giving away personal things

Giving and Getting Help

Take all talk of suicide seriously

If you THINK someone is going to commit suicide ASK THEM IF THEY ARE CONSIDERING IT. If you KNOW someone is going to commit suicide TELL A TRUSTED ADULT
Tell your friend suicide is not the answer Change negative thoughts into positive thoughts Dont keep a secret

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