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School: LHST Department: CA Name of the faculty member: Kuljeet Kaur Submitted by:Ayush 10803162 Course No: CAP581 Course Title: Real Time Systems Class: BCA(H)-MCA Term: 6th Section: A3801 & A3802 Batch: 2008 Max. Marks: 5 Date of Allotment: 12-01-11 Date of Submission:22-01-10

Q. 1 Identify at least 5 real time application areas. Ans. 1. Digital controls: = sampled data systems 2. High-level controls: = planning and policy above low level control 3. Signal processing: = Digital filtering, video compression and encryption, radar signal processing. 4. Other real time applications = real-time databases, multimedia applications. Q. 2. Differentiate between hard and soft real time systems. Ans. A hard real-time system guarantees that critical tasks complete on time. This goal requires that all delays in the system be bounded from the retrieval of the stored data to the time that it takes the operating system to finish any request made of it. A soft real time system where a critical real-time task gets priority over other tasks and retains that priority until it completes. As in hard real time systems kernel delays need to be bounded. Q. 3 Elaborate the three model elements for a real time system that helps designing a reference model. Ans. Elements of the reference model: Each system is characterized by 3 elements: 1. A workload model describing the applications supported by the system. 2. A resource model describing the system resources available to the applications. 3. Algorithms that define how the application system uses the resources at all the time. Part-B Q. 4 Consider a real time system. Identify the pseudo code and draw the task graph for the same.

Q. 5 Comment on the significance of functional parameters in real time systems. Ans. While scheduling and resource control decisions are made independently of the most functional properties that do affect these decisions. The workload model must explicitly describe these properties using functional parameters: Preemptivity Criticality Optional interval Laxity type Q. 6. Explain the role played by constraints and dependencies. Ans. Data and control dependencies among jobs may constraint the order in which they can execute. Such jobs is said to have precedence constraints.

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