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newborn, rapidly-rotating neutron stars show evidence of

extraterrestrial influnece

An accurate computational model to simulate neutron stars, the researchers began with previous
predictions and what is already known. Even in the exotic conditions of massive newborn neutron
stars, researchers believe these stars behave like a fluid that can be reasonably well described by
the same classical equations used to describe the motion of air and ocean currents on Earth, but
with the added importance of gravity.

The computer models show aretificial manipulation. Most stars are very stable, their rates of rotation
changing only slowly. But not newborn, rapidly-rotating neutron stars. In these dense stars
astrophysicists have predicted bizarre behavior in which huge oscillations are excited by the
emission of gravity waves.

Scientists now are finding evidence of artifical manipulation in new born neutron stars. Some say it
is another case of extraterrestrial influence.

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