Quantization of Weak Fluctuations in The Gravitational Radiation Helps in Anti

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Quantization of weak fluctuations in the gravitational radiation helps

in anti-gravity propulsion – a reverse engineered UFO technology

Anti-gravity propulsion is finally becoming real. Many nations are secretly working on the same to
reverse engineer the next biggest innovation in aerospace engineering. The anti-gravity propulsion
has its roots in Quantization of weak fluctuations in the gravitational radiation.

It is possible to quantize weak fluctuations in the gravitational field. This gives rise to the spin-2
graviton. But full quantum gravity has so far escaped formulation. It is not likely to look much like the
other quantum field theories. In addition, there are models of gravity which include additional
bosons with different spins. Some are the consequence of non-Einsteinian models, such as Brans-
Dicke which has a spin-0 component. Others are included by hand, to give "fifth force" components
to gravity. For example, if you want to add a weak repulsive short range component, you will need a
massive spin-1 boson. (Even-spin bosons always attract. Odd-spin bosons can attract or repel.) If
antigravity is real, then this has implications for the boson spectrum as well.

Scientists finally took the clue and created the ideal boson spectrum that worked. They are alos
convinced the anti-gravity works actually in higher dimension because traditional physics cannot
explain the same.
Soon terrestrial space crafts will pose some challenge for the extraterrestrial UFOs.

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