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Space-time manipulation through Binary black holes – an

extraterrestrial technology to keep the universe in order

Binary black holes are especially important because their gravity waves, according to theory,
should be about 100 times stronger than from a single black hole.

To simulate a binary black hole, however, is much more complicated than a single black hole. Even
for a single black hole with 3D realism, simulation of its spin and motion was out of range until some
breakthrough. This is because general relativity presents an extreme challenge to computational
capability. To begin with, a black hole defies mathematics; it contains a point of infinite space-time
curvature and infinite density. Mathematically, such a point is called a singularity. Simulating the
physical extremes at such points leads to a problem called numerical instability — the computer
program will crash if it attempts to compute near the singularity, and this is the main reason
simulating black holes has been very difficult although not impossible. Space-time manipulation
through Binary black hole interaction is an extraterrestrial technology to keep the universe in order.

The gravity waves the guiding force from the Hyperspace in the higher dimensions.

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