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The big bang happened in a higher dimensional Particle Collider in

the Hyperspace

The signs are very clear. The big bang’s most early signs show the existence of higher dimensions
in the hyperspace. Bose-Einstein’s perfect fluid is just one manifestation of ideal nature of matter in
higher dimensions. The matters in absolute zero temperatures exhibit strange properties many of
which are known to physicists, chemists and biologists today. Some of these are still puzzles
without proper explanation.

The big bang happened billions of years back in a Particle Collider in the Hyperspace within the
realm of higher dimensions. The first outcome was a unidirectional, one-dimensional time
encapsulation of three-dimensional space. The space-time interconnections define the nature of
implosion and collision.

Can it recreated artificially? Theoretically, the answer is yes. But in the 3D spatial environment it is
not practically feasible because of the size requirements of the Particle Collider and the amount of
energy that will be needed.

It is very well possible in higher dimensions however.

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