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The conduit of gravity waves in higher dimension create the Web of

integrated consciousness – the endless time and spatial dimensions

The gravity wave is real. We cannot measure it very well because we live in a fish bowl of three
dimensions. We cannot perceive beyond the tree spatial dimensions and one time dimension. For
the same reason, the terrestrial technologies fail to recognize what really caused the big bang.

The conduit of gravity waves in higher dimension creates the Web of integrated consciousness.
That is the manifestation of strings in higher dimensions in accordance with the superstring theory.
The strings are actually present even in our 3-D spatial dimension.

The conduit of gravity waves in higher dimension creates the simulation of endless time and spatial
dimensions. That is the integrated consciousness. The human mind has access to it. We all belong
to that parallel universe. Our physical existence is just a projection from that universe.

The gravity waves are clear near singularities and limit cycles near the black holes. The other side
of the black hole where matter, time and space are thrown out simulates higher dimensional strings
of the Hyperspace.
The Hyperspace is a state of quantum vacuum, which maintains its state with the help of the chilled
universe below it. The integrated consciousness or gravity waves in the form of a conduit of higher
dimensional strings emanate from the chilled universe where no energy even in the quantum level
exists. The chilled universe is the world of integrated conscious with the pillars of creation,
maintenance and destruction.

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