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The Hyperspace sends gravity wave signals via Black Hole

singularities and limit cycles to guide the time dimension

The black holes contain singularities and limit cycle from which nothing can out. These connect the
3-D Universe to many dimensional Hyperspace. The black hole singularities have multiple functions
in the structural integrity of the Hyperspace and the many universes that it contains. There is also
has an additional function of communication. The gravity wave sequences are systematically
transmitted through the singularities of the central black holes in the galaxies.

The gravity wave communication is the biggest discovery of the millennium. It is the source of all
that happens in the 3_D universe. The time dimension in our 3-D universe in unidirectional.
Quantum Mechanics clearly points to uncertainty in the future events. Although it is true in the
current event horizon, it is not true when you like at the whole Hyperspace, the multiverses and the
chilled universes that form the platform below it.

While the future is uncertain because of directionless time dimension, it is actually guided and the
time contour is conformed to a specific time configuration via gravity waves. It is similar to
navigating a ship in the ocean. There are endless ways a ship can traverse at any time t and space
s. But the navigation determines the exact time and space configuration. Similarly our 3-D universe
is guided by gravity waves from the black hole singularities in the appropriate direction in the ocean
of endless time configuration. Our universe is the ship and the possible time configurations and
events is the ocean.

What will happen tomorrow is a complex function of many variables which we will discuss in another
article. But one thing is for certain it is determined by the gravity waves signals from the Hyperspace
through the black hole singularities and limit cycles.

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