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The stealth from gravity wave and electromagnetic flux – the reverse

engineered UFO technologies

Scientists all over the world are busy finding the best stealth possible. The traditional stealth that
was actually discovered by the Germans at the end of the Second World War is in use by different
Air Forces of the world for the last fifty years. Improvements on the base technology have been
made. However, not much break through in stealth technology has taken place although a lot of
money and hype surrounds it. For example, F-117 Stealth fighter’s stealth is still based on old
German technology. Scientists however have some breakthroughs. The electromagnetic flux and
gravity radiation shield used by Type II extraterrestrial UFOs are in the microscope now. Scientists
are busy trying to understand the physics behind it.

The ideal stealth is to fly projections like the advanced extraterrestrial UFOs do. The biggest
question how are those projections created? The answer really comes from gravity wave
manipulation. NASA has some very interesting project on them. Russians are actually ahead in this
game than the rest of the world. Secret projects are in progress in many countries to deploy gravity
wave and electromagnetic flux to create stealth of the next generation.

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