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Why Gravitational waves cannot be detected although they seem to

speed like light?

Gravitational waves, just like photons, are waves that travel at the speed of light. However, even
now, astronomers can not detect them directly, but can observe their effect on the bodies emitting

Gravitational waves are believed to be emitted close to compact stars, like a neutron star or a black
hole. Just as ripples spread away from a stone tossed into a pond, so gravitational waves spread
across space, bending it up and down. Two scientists at the University of Massachusetts, Taylor and
Hulse, were able to prove their existence from observing a binary system of pulsars.

The reason why still astronomers cannot see gravitational waves but can only see its effects is
simple. Gravity waves exist in higher dimension. It actually travels at much faster than light. Its
invisible projection in 3D universe has the same speed as light but cannot be seen. No projection,
nothing in the 3-D Universe can have speed faster than light.

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