Badge Crop To Do

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on: patr Our Saint n iger kent elf hims

it is mad e up of sever al items

Our school badge is really interesting!

to make a mind map you will need a copy of the school badge from glow blogs

then you make copies and crop them using picasa

a branch, a book, a wa ve

last you put the items into x-mind

ly and final to our mot ans which me to "dearest god"

you can get a copy of the school badge from the "Asmithy" blog on glow

log on to GLOW visit your blog switch to the smithy blog by e diting the address b ar scroll do wn to view the schoo l badge download the badge by draggin g into a folder or the desk top

next bring the copy of the badge into picasa

open pic a choose sa import tab select import from f navigat older e to th e folde desk t o r or p choose the cor rect im set an age fil import e folder import name the sel ected im age

make a copy of each badge before cropping it

use the crop feature

neatly make a crop box and click apply

use save as to make a named copy of the crop, e.g. save "branch.jpg"

use x-mind to make the mind map you can drag each crop into a subtopic box you will need to resize the images

Your words here...

export your mind map as a png image finally

make a new blog entry about the school badge

include your badge mind map

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