Alternate Critical Hit System

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Alternate Critical Hit System

When a 20 is rolled it is an automatic hit. The damage multiplier is removed barring a second roll. The second roll is a 1-100 roll or two 10 sided die. If this roll is equal to or less than your critical score you have made a critical hit. Now take that roll and compare it to the critical hit chart to see where you hit and what effect it had. In addition you apply your damage modifier to your weapons damage separate from your magical bonuses and your non-magical bonuses like strength. For instance, Rooks has a critical score of 5. He is attacking a human bandit with his dagger+2 and rolls a 20 for his attack. He now has the possibility of a critical hit. He rolls a 05. That is a critical hit because it is less than or equal to his critical score! He now rolls his damage of 1d4 and uses the multiplier of x2. His roll of a three is multiplied by two equaling six plus his magical bonus of two making his total eight points of damage (3*2+2). This is not the end for Rookss opponent though for now you take the previously rolled five and compare it to the chart to see location of the strike and effect that strike has on you opponent. How do you increase you critical score? The first and easiest is to simply wield a bigger weapon. The second is to attack creatures smaller than you. The third is to be a warrior class such as a ranger or a fighter. The forth and hardest is to actually make critical hits. Every critical hit you make adds one to your natural critical hit score to a maximum of 100 natural points. Weapon Size: Tiny Small Medium Large Huge 0 points 2 points 4 points 8 points 16 points

Opponents size class: One size class above you Two size classes above you Three size classes above you Four size classes above you Five size classes above you Six size classes above you One size class below you Two size classes below you Three size classes below you Four size classes below you Five size classes below you Six size classes below you -5 to critical score -10 to critical score -20 to critical score -40 to critical score -80 to critical score Impossible to Critical Hit +5 to critical score +10 to critical score +20 to critical score +40 to critical score +80 to critical score

Every rolled 20 is a critical hit. Critical score by class: Fighter +10 Rouge +8 Ranger +8 Paladin Cleric +5 Wizard +1 Sorcerer +1 Called Shot critical hits:


If a called shot is made and it becomes a critical hit default to the maximum body location they hit without exceeding the attackers critical score on the chart. For instance if Rooks with a critical score of 5 makes a called shot on an opponents head he get a light effect not a moderate one. So yes Rooks hit with a critical to his opponents head but produced no different effect than if he had done a called shot to the leg as per the chart. It is not until you have gained sufficient skill in critical hits that a called shot will produce specific and measurable results. For instance, Grog has a critical score of 102. He attempts a called shot to the head and rolls a 20 for his attack roll. Then he rolls a 40 on his critical score. 40 is less than 102 so it is a critical hit. Normally a 40 would create an effect to the torso but now 40 slides to the minor damage head area and produces a lesser head trauma effect. A roll of 40 slide down to 25 because it was closer to 25 than it was to 61 which was the next head effect. Had he rolled a 43 or higher it would have gone to the moderate damage head area. If he had rolled above 85 he would have gone to the heavy damage area for the head and knocked his opponent unconscious.

Minor Minor Minor Minor 1-25 26-40 41-50 51-60

Body Location
Any Mid-Leg Torso-Mid Arm-Torso

General Effect Description

Bleeds at a rate of 2 hit points per round for 3d4 rounds until mended with a successful heal skill or magically healed for 2 or more hit points. Stunned for 1d4 rounds (fights defensively) Target is thrown off balance and attacks at -4 and is weakened (-2 Strength) for 1d4 rounds Attacks at -2, can not fight defensively, disarming get +10 on rolls. Bleeding 1d4 points of hit points per round for 3d4 rounds until mended with a successful heal skill or magically healed for 4 or more hit points. Bleeding 1d8 hit points per round for 3d4 rounds until mended with a successful heal skill or magically healed for 8 or more hit points. Blood flowing over the eyes causes blindness for 1d4 rounds. Leg is disabled completely. Movement is halved.










Bleeding 1d6 hit points per round for 3d4 rounds until mended with a successful heal skill or magically healed for 6 or more hit points. All dodge bonuses are negated magical or otherwise. 50% chance for be knocked down. Stunned for 1d8 rounds (unable to attack). Once recovered from stunning attacks at -2 and suffers -2 to AC. Bleeding 1d4 points of damage per round for 3d4 rounds until mended with a successful heal skill or magically healed for 2 or more hit points. Target gets wind knocked out (-4 attack -4 AC) Stumbles backward 50% chance to be knocked down. 1d6 points of damage per round for 3d4 rounds until mended with a successful heal skill or magically healed for 6 or more hit points. Loss of limb. Bleeding 3d4 points of damage per round for 3d4 rounds until mended with a successful heal skill or magically healed for 12 or more hit points. Attacks lost unless other are has weapon. Attacks from off hand are -4. Complete loss of defense, prone target and loss of offence. Opponent may only run away. Bleeding 5d4 points of damage per round for 10 rounds until magically healed for 20 or more hit points. Unconscious and bleeding 2d12 points of damage per round for 12 rounds until mended with a successful heal skill or magically healed for 20 or more hit points.

Moderate 91-95


Moderate 96-98








Alternate Critical Miss System

When a 1 is rolled it is an automatic miss. A second roll of two 10 sided die is required to find a range from 1-100. If this roll is equal to or greater than your critical score you have made a critical miss. Now take that roll and compare it to the critical miss chart to see what effect it had. For instance Rooks has a critical score of 50. He is attacking a human bandit with his dagger and rolls a 1 for his attack. He now has the possibility of a critical miss. He rolls a 62. That is a critical miss! Take the previously rolled 62 and compare it to the chart to see the effects that miss produced.

Heavy 1-25

General Effect Description

You must make an attack roll to see if your weapon hits an ally instead of your target with the shaft or flat of your blade. If it does your weapon breaks in two. Missile weapons straps or strings break.

Heavy Moderate Moderate Moderate

26-40 41-50 51-60 61-70

Moderate Moderate Light Light Light Light

71-80 81-90 91-95 96-98 99 100

You must make an attack roll to see if your weapon hits an ally instead of your target. In addition your weapon slips from your hand and is sent skidding away from you. You strike your weapon on the ground severely chipping it. The weapon now has a permanent -4 to its damage. In addition it slips from your hand. You strike yourself with your own weapon. The damage excludes strength bonuses but includes magical damage. You lose you balance and fall. You lose dexterity AC bonuses and dodge bonuses magical or otherwise. In addition you need to use you next round to get up eliciting an attack of opportunity form you enemy. You make a poorly executed attack and lose your balance opening you up to and attack from your opponent assuming it is in melee with you. You are thrown off balance and fight the next round at -2 AC Your attack scrapes the floor as it goes by causing sparks to fly off everywhere. There is a 25% chance your weapon breaks. Your swing goes wide, really wide! You lose your next action trying to recover. You miss. You just miss You have a 50% chance to hit your enemy ignoring the always miss rule.

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