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Tapescripts Unit 1 Worle boole. Photos p 40 Intelocutor: Now, Ann and Bil, 11d lke you to discuss something together. Here are some pictures showing people that are happy. Talk to each other about the reasons for which each of the situations makes people happy, and then decide wihich ehotograph best portrays happiness. You have about four minutes for this ‘Anni | imagine’ the couple in ® are happy because they've just bought ther first home together, so they must feel a sense of achievement, and perhaps relief,'100, at finally being able 10 ‘move out of rented accommodation. Bil; Or maybe they've bought a bigger house because they're planning on starting a family. After al, the house behind them looks rather large for @ first house, doesn’t it. ‘Ann: Maybe. Anyway, | think it Faily obvious why the people in are happy; they've just graduated from university and are embarking ah @ completely new life. So they feel a sense of satisfaction that all that hard work has paid off, and they're looking forward to a successful future Bil: Yes, and they're probably happier still that they don’t have to take any more exams! ‘Ann: That's true. Let's look at A novi, Well, | think this shows a different kind of happiness. I'd call it contentment, the kind of happiness that comes from being surrounded by people you feel relaxed and comfortable with, whereas B and C show a more euphoric kind of happiness, wouldn't you say? Bi: kind of high you mean, because they've realised a eam? Yes, | suppose so. Certainly spending time like this, having 3 barbecue for example, with friends and family isa really pleasant part of life ‘Ann: Yes, Now the couple in & are obviously happy becouse they've just got married, so this is a relly special day for them, perhaps the most important day of ther lve. Bil; But | think the woman in the picture, who must be the mother of the bride, is looking even happier than the married couple, | presume she approves of her daughter's choice of husband and is happy for her daughter and new son-in-law. Ann: Yes, or she could be the mother of the gfoom, and! is hapoy to welcome her new daughter-in-law into the family Bil: Mmm, Nows, what about D, this is another kind of happiness, isn't it? These are rugby players who are getting enjayment out of playing the sport they love. ‘Ann: 6 say those players are on a high too, but it's more lke an adrenaline rush than ajong-term kind of hapsiness, Bill| know what you mean, it's a temporary thing, but 'd say just as intense as the others. So which, in yout opinion, best portrays happiness? ‘Ann: Wel, i's hard to say I suppose it depends on the person, but personally speaking I'd go for picture A, the one showing the friends gathered tagether, because | don't think any of the other kinds of happiness last, so | think it's important to enjoy those ‘moments when you know you're tly happy rather then pinning your hopes on the future Bil Yes, | see what you mean, but | think most people would choose picture F because getting marred is supposed to be the fulfiment of al our dreams, isn’t it? ‘Annie that might be tue fr some people, but sticking with A, Bil: And 'l go with E. Perhaps m more of @ romantic! Interlocutor-Thank you. How important is happiness for one's health? ‘Ann: Wel, accorcing to the experts, happiness is very important to ‘ur health It all goes back to that saying, doesn’t it, "A healthy mind is @ healthy body." The ancients have always believed the ‘mind and body werk in harmony, and now more and more people are coming to realse that. Bil: There's more tot than that though, don't you think? | mean, if you'te unhappy, it's only natural that your health is going to suffer, for example, if you're depressed, let's say, you're less likely to eat or sleep properly aren't you? So it's no wonder that happy ppeaple are more likely to be healthy. Interlocutor: When you heer the word ‘happiness’, what isthe fist thing you think about? nn? ‘Ann: Like most people | expect, when | hear the word ‘happiness the frst thing | think of is money because, let's face i, it's pretty difficult to be happy without it, isn't it? Interlocutor: What about you, Bll? Bil: Wel, depends on how much money we're talking about. | agree that it's important to have enough to live on to be happy, but | wouldn't agree that rich people are necessarly heppy just because they're rich, Personally speaking, for me, hapoiness is peace af mind, but that's a very personal thing Interlocutor What part of your daly routine makes you happiest, Bil? Bil Oh, that's easy. The part of my daily routine that makes me happiestis when I get home and relax. | usualy have 2 nap, take ‘the dog for a walk and then have something to eat. After that | spend time hanging out with my friends or just relaxing at home, ‘That's what | enjoy doing most. Interiocutor: what hes been the happiest day of your life, Ann? 125

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