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Health- Poster Report.

Q1 The topic I have chosen is smoking. I chose this topic as it is an issue relevant to my target audience which is people aged 18-24. Smoking is relevant to 1824olds because although they can legally smoke their bodies are still developing and smoking can seriously damage their health and fitness and stunt their growth. Also in 2004-5 approximately 27% of people aged 18-24 were current smokers (Australian Bureau of Statistics) and tobacco smoking is the largest single preventable cause of death and disease in Australia (Cancer Council 2006). The message I wish to communicate is that smoking will not only hurt you but it will also hurt the people who love and care about you. I wish to communicate this message because these people are starting to value the people they love more now they are more mature than they were in their teenage years. Q2 The type of person this poster is aimed at is an 18-24yr old male smoker who is now starting to think about other people and possibly death now that they have to write a will. The poster will aim to make the person think about the effect smoking is having on them more seriously and what would happen should they die. The poster should have a somewhat frightening view and will be on a dark background.

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