LED Scolling Dot Matrix

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LED Scolling Dot Matrix with pc interfacing to update message

If you are into geeking it out with projects of the electronical kind, then you have likely wanted to create a dot matrix display.

Use of fonts.exe
This exe files can be used to generate a 7*5 (7 rows*5 column) fonts size pattern in hardware I use 8*8 piece but on that apply a 7*5 font display because it looks pretty but any one can change it according to demand.7*5 normally a standard font size also. In the above diagram row 6,7 and 8 has code 00h mean no display by using 8*8 just one 00h is used if use three 00h the gap is seems too much between two characters. Below is the screen shot of fonts.exe that how I use it, it has many formats and option to do as I check three boxes and then generate a fonts pattern code.

Dot matrix internal structure:

U can verify it by that pieces ur using to verify that it has same or not In the above diagram rows are supplied by 5 volt and ground provided at column then led glow. I am using the same pieces it is called common cathode configuration. Here r some detail in diagram below

Features of project:
1) Message readed from EEPROM 2) Message remain in EEPROM after power failure no need to update again 3) Message can be updated 4) Maximum 200 characters are allowed 5) GUI in visual basic to send message using serial port 6) Serial interfaced with pc

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