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Graoe 3 Weekly Upoate

Week ot September 26, 2011

Anol [amet Davlo Sesmltb Lrlka vlctor
anol.jamet@bbls.oe oavlo.sesmltb@bbls.oe erlka.vlctor@bbls.oe
Unlt ot
We are tlnlsblng up our tlrst unlt tbls week. Tbe stuoents bave learneo mucb about bow to organlze
varlous workplaces ano you sboulo encourage tbem to use tbls knowleoge at bome to organlze tbelr
rooms! Tbey bave createo lntormatlve posters baseo on tbelr parent lntervlew ano bave bao tbe
opportunlty to sbare tbese ln class. Tbls week we wlll tlnallze tbelr workplace plans ano retlect on tbe
cbanges we bave maoe ln tbe classroom. Lacb cbllo bas cbosen a workplace at scbool to concentrate on.
We bave lntroouceo tbe actlon cycle (cboose, act, retlect, cboose.) as a tool we can use ln many areas.
Our net unlt wlll tocus on tbe tactors tbat make us wbo we are. Please let us know lt you bave epertlse
we can oraw on tor tbls unlt.
We talk about tbe tact tbat we are worklng on reaoer/wrlter worksbop ano you may wonoer wbat tbat
means. |n graoe 3 wbat tbat means ls tbat we begln wltb a mlnl lesson, tocuslng on a reaolng/wrltlng
strategy, crattlng tecbnlque, or routlne. Atterwaros tbe stuoents go back to work (lnolvloually, ln palrs, or
ln small groups) on reaolng or wrltlng ot tbelr cbooslng. Tbe lesson concluoes wltb a sbarlng sesslon. Tbe
teacber ls worklng wltb stuoents lnolvloually or ln small groups or maklng notes on observatlons. A key to
worksbop ls cbolce. Tbere wlll be otber tlmes wbere reaolng or wrltlng ls more olrecteo, but ln worksbop
tlme tbe stuoents are worklng on wbat tbey bave cbosen. Tbls means tbat most ot tbe tlme stuoents bave
tbe opportunlty to work on tbelr own lnltlatlves.
As a remlnoer: tbe stuoents bave tlme ln class to practlce tbelr spelllng patterns tour ways. |t your cbllo
ooes not tlnlsb at scbool, s/be sboulo tlnlsb at bome. Tbls ls oue eacb week.
We bave begun Zaner-8loser curslve lnstructlon.
|n Matb we are revlewlng aooltlon uslng tbe partlal sums metboo. Tbls metboo relntorces place value.
To bear an anlmateo verslon ot tbls cllck bere:
We wlll use tbe traoe tlrst metboo tor subtractlng wbere regrouplng ls requlreo. Here ls tbe llnk tor tbls
Some stuoents wlll try to rearrange problems, so tbat tbey oo not bave to regroup, but tbls ls not golng to
result ln accurate computatlons. For lnstance 34-17 means you must regroup. You can not take 7 trom 4.
We are contlnulng to practlce aooltlon ano subtractlon tacts ln class. A webslte you can use to create
practlce worksbeets ls
Tbe stuoents bave learneo many matb games tbat can be playeo at bome uslng tbelr number caros. |t s/be
ls unsure ot tbe rules, s/be ls always tree to take bome tbelr Stuoent Reterence 8ook.
Otber PIease note that Zoe Davis's enaiI has been incorrectIy Iisted. lt is

ln the ort room.

Tbls week we are startlng our tlrst sesslon ot orthworks. Tbls ls an outooor art program tbat |
am organlzlng ano lt ls lntegrateo lnto tbe current currlculum. orthworks wlll be bappenlng a tew
weeks ln tbe tall, betore lt gets too colo, ano tben we wlll contlnue ln tbe Sprlngtlme, bopetully
constructlng a large sculpture togetber.
For more lntormatlon on tbls as well as otber elementary art program lntormatlon, please see my
new ebsite ( Tbe 88|S pages are prlvate, so you wlll neeo tbe
passworo: lebmbau
Have a wonoertul week ano upcomlng bolloay!

-Mr. Sbrom
Graoe 3 Weekly Upoate
Week ot September 26, 2011

Anol [amet Davlo Sesmltb Lrlka vlctor
anol.jamet@bbls.oe oavlo.sesmltb@bbls.oe erlka.vlctor@bbls.oe

Sept 28 PTA Meetlng tor |nternatlonal Week, Cultural Day (8:15 ln Cateterla)
Oct 3-7 Autumn 8reak (No scbool)
Oct 14 New Famllles Transltlon Cottee Mornlng
Oct 18 Parent Teacber Conterences (No scbool)
Oct 19 Prlnclpal's Cottee Mornlng (8:10 ln Camllle's ottlce), Agenoa: class placement process
Oct 24-28 |nternatlonal Week
Oct 31 Retormatlon Day (No scbool)
Remlnoers September 30 ls tbe LS Stuoent Councll's tlrst splrlt oay- Face Palntlng Day. Lacb cbllo ls lnvlteo to wear
tace palnt tbat oay (pIease appIy before schooI).
Parent-Teacber Conterences on Tuesoay, October 18. Your tblro graoer ls lnvlteo to atteno ber/bls
conterence wltb you.
Llton [obn Meets Maoonna ln tbe Helzbaus at 6PM on October 21. Watcb your trlenos or joln ln yourselt!

Tbanks tor your support!

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