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Active Learner -Study in a group -Works with others -Figure out how to answer the question given

Reflective Learner -Dont simply read or memorize the material -Stop periodically to review material that had read

Sensing Learner -Ask instructor for specific example of concepts and procedures -Find out how the concepts apply in practice -Try to find out information in your course text -Brainstorming with friends

Intuitive Learner -Ask instructor for interpretations or theories that link the fact -Try to find connection of the subject to the real world -Take time to read the entire question before answering -Check the result you get carefully

Visual Learner -Try to find diagrams,sketches,flow charts or any visual representation of course material that is predominantly verbal -Ask your instructor -Consult reference book -Find any videotapes or CD-ROM displays of the courses. -Prepare a concept map -Colour code your notes Verbal Learner -Write summaries or outlines of courses material in your own words -Working in groups Sequential Learner -Ask the instructor to fill in the skipped steps -Fill the skipped steps by yourself -Take the time to outline the lecture material for yourself in logical order -Try to strengthen your global thinking skills Global Learner -First,recognizing that you arent slow or stupid!!! -Skim through the entire chapter to get an overview before study -Spending a short time on every subject every night -Try to relate the subject to thing that you already know -Ask the instructor for help -Dont lose faith in yourself -Disciplines yourself

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