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2nd Monthly Exam

Name:_____________________________________________ Date____________________
Yr. & Sec.____________

Teacher: Mr. William S. Arce

a, to: al, to the: del, of the, from the: el, the:

y, and: un, a:

una an

?Donde? -where?; ? lo que?; ?como ? - what ; ?por que?- why? ; ?cuando?-when; cuanto?- how
?tiene usted ? have you ; no-not : si yes; yo I ; tu-you ; vd you 3rd prsn ; el-he;


1. Using the above vocabulary, translate using the definite and interrogative articles the ff.
1. to the man_______________2. of the knife_____________ 3. Of theanimal________________ the notebook_____________5 of the price_______________6 . I drink milk_________________
7. we eat bread_______________8. I eat apples__________________9. El pan_________________
10. la escuela_______________11. El precio____________12.we buyshirts____________________
13. un hombre_____________14. Una muchacha___________15. Rice and fish________________
16. ?Donde vive usted?_______________________17.?Donde compras las manzanas?___________
_________________18. Como se llama vd. ____________________ 19.Compro un libro__________
20. Un hombre compra una casa blanca._____________________________________________.
II. Translate in Spanish the ff. ( 10 points). Hello! How are you ? What is you name? How old
are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? We live in the city. See you tomorrow?
Good luck and goodbye. See you later.

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