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||SRI ||

Sri PanDuranga ViTTala Vijayate

Vishwa Madhwa Sangha – TX Chapter

Celebrates 4th Year MettilOtsava at the Hindu Temple of
San Antonio with the Blessings of His Holiness
Sri Sri Sugunendra Teertha Swamiji
… Spiritual Ambassador with ancient wisdom and modern outlook
Saturday September 20, 2008
Venue: Hindu Temple of San Antonio
MettilOtsava is a traditional function where devotees singing keertanas and
hymning Veda Gosha ascend the steps leading to the temple. This symbolizes
virtually stepping up the ladder of spiritual path and finally attaining and attending
the Lotus feet of the Almighty.

Program Details

 8.20 AM: Assembly at the Footsteps of the Hillock

 8.30 AM: Performing puje & mangalarati to the first
Mettalu and walk up the hill with
keertana & vedha osha
 10:00 AM: Swagatha by the Temple authorities
Welcome by Sri Deshapande (VMS-TX)
Welcome by Sri Dr. Ramakrishna Rao (HTSA)
Vote of Thanks by Sri Rama rao
 10.30 AM Sri Krishna Pooaja
 12.00 PM: MahaMangalarathi and Lunch/Prasad

We request all devotees to participate in the above events

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