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The Food and Nutrition Circle Connecting the Dots

ART Schedule ~ Tuesday, 11th October, 2011 Time 8:15 am Activity Depart hotel Experiences from the Field By INVITATION ONLY! 9:15 10:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 11:30 am 11:30 12:15 pm 1. Citrus Farm, Syndicate 2. Waitikubuli Trail Depart for Round Table #2, Cabrits, Portsmouth Refreshments Post-Field Trip Briefing: Balancing Ecosystems & Economics for Food & Nutrition Round Table #2 Tackling Availability and Stability: Healthy Ecosystems, Agro-Forestry & Sustainable Food Supply Introduction: 12:15 -1:00 pm 1:00 2:00 pm 2:00 2:45 pm a. Healthy Ecosystems and F&N.....Connecting the Dots b. Action Plan for Production & Stability Lunch Round Table #2 contd Moderator: (tbi) 1. Round Table: Forests and Food 2:45 3:30 pm 4:-00 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 2. Practicing permanent agriculture 3. Main Observations (Participants) 4. Communicating the Message (Media) Tour Cabrits Return to Hotel and/or planned CWA evening activity

an event of the
CaRAPN Caribbean Regional Agricultural Policy Network
Supported by
CTA Technical centre for Agricultural and Rural cooperation (CTA) IICA Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture ACM Association of Caribbean Media CARDI Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute

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