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Management By Objective (MBO)

MBO focuses on 3 things

Achievement of objectives Employee satisfaction Better utilization of resources

Management By Objectives (MBO)

A method whereby managers and employees define objectives for every department, project, and person and use them to monitor subsequent performance. This method was developed by Peter Drucker

Essential Steps for MBO

Set Goals

The most difficult step. For both workgroups and individuals.

Develop Action Plan

Review Progress

Periodic during the year.

Review Annual Goals.

Appraise Overall Performance.

Key Assumptions

Individual has greater part in ones own work decision and purposes. It is an excellent way of managing. It applies to all the managers and functional organisations

Need for MBO

Helps to mesh together the various functions for the achievement organizational goal. Helps greater objectivity with its emphasis on results. Maintains pressure of hierarchy More emphasis on teamwork

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