Aristotle - Happiness and Virtue

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Aristotle Happiness and Virtue Review Questions: 1. What is happiness, according to Aristotle? How is it related to virtue?

? How is it related to pleasure? Based from the chapter: Aristotle argues that all human beings seek happiness, and that happiness is not pleasure, honor or wealth, but an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue. I believe that people seek for happiness not for others, but for themselves. It is related to virtue in such a way that if we feel the happiness, we think that what we did is right or good. While the relationship of pleasure and happiness are not always the same. Some people get the pleasure they want but they still dont feel that happiness that their seeking for; some can already feel the happiness with the pleasure that they received. 2. How does Aristotle explain moral virtue? Give some examples. According to Aristotle, there are two kinds of virtue which is the moral and the intellectual. Moral Virtue, according to Aristotle comes from trainings and habits. It is generally a state of character that is mean between the vices of excess and deficiency. Also according to Aristotle, it is something that does not arise by nature. 3. Is it possible for everyone in our society to be happy, as Aristotle explains it? If not, who cannot be happy? No, it is not possible for everyone in our society to be happy. Based from this chapter, a person who love what he does and put values in it, he will surely feel that happiness. While for some who thinks that pleasure gives them the happiness, then they will just be happy for a short time. Discussion Questions: 1. Aristotle characterizes a life of pleasure as suitable for beasts. But what, if anything, is wrong with a life of pleasure? I agree that a life of pleasures as suitable for beasts because as what Ive answered with the previous questions, for some people who think that pleasure will give them the happiness, they are actually wrong. It

is true that they will feel the happiness, but it is just temporary. They will not feel the real happiness.

Aristotle claims that the philosopher will be happier than anyone else. Why is this? Do you agree or not? I dont think that what Aristotle claimed is right. I believe that every person can feel the happiness. Like for me, if Im happy, I feel that Im the happiest person. This is also applied for others.

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