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Finding the Joy in Living Life In Todays World

A Study in the Book of Philippians.

Philippians 2:12-30 1. Who will be effected by the name of Jesus? 2. What does Paul challenge the Philippians to do now that he is not there? 3. What does Paul mean by stating Awork out@ your salvation (since we are saved by faith)? 4. What role does God have in working out our salvation? 5. How do we Aprove@ that we are children of God? How should be appear to the world? 6. How can we remain as Alight@ in the world? (What must we hold on to) 7. Why would Paul rejoice if he was Apoured out@? Why does he call the Philippians to rejoice? 8. What value was there for Paul to learn what was happening with the Philippians? 9. Why does Paul send Timothy? Why did he send Epaphroditus? 10. How were they to receive him? 11. What significant thing did Epaphroditus do?

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