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Re: 72 sants mentioned in puratan janam sakhi and sau sakhi?

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Re: 72 sants mentioned in puratan janam sakhi and sau sakhi?

Posted by Kalsingh on Monday, 5/29/2006 2:20 PM MDT

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Sat Sri Akal Ji Yes. I have heard of this. One of these saints had a padam on their foot. It looks like a round red circle on the sole of the foot and when it lights up it shines really brightly. The mark is distinct and I am told out of even saints, only a few have it. I believe that the padam is a mark of one of the 72. They are referred to as the 72 jamay (pronounced with an accent meaning births or forms I think). ______________________________________________________________________________ Moderator's comment: It appears that most people are going to post only what they have heard. This is fine, as long as such topics do not lead to promotion of any person. Rumors are generated when a discussion is based only on hearsay, without credible references. Appearance of the word "Jamay" (used, as far as I know, only for incarnations of the Gurus) is particularly distressing in this regard, hence this comment. 26/09/2011

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